Thursday, December 30, 2010
Master Combination Lock Magnetic
Yes, dear friends, the 2010 is inexorably toward its end and with it the decade commonly referred to as "the year 2000." In these last days of December, between fantastic dinners with the family, it is normal to take stock of the year drawing to a close, although in many media, digital or traditional, I have found this summary of ten years, with shocking images recreating best and worst moments of this tumultuous new century.
But quietly, in the entry number 90 of the blog is not going to talk about what has happened to me in this decade. As long as you mention something happened in a year that said goodbye in a few hours. A year full of ups and downs, both personally, professionally and even literary, but fortunately for me and those around me began to emerge slightly, hovering a shy face behind the dark clouds that have accompanied us during these 365 days.
Worldwide, to a greater or lesser extent, has deeply affected this global crisis is all encompassing. A crisis that has many unlikely to improve, so we continue to pitch in (even if we remove the desire to know we are in it because many unscrupulous businessmen, accompanied by the political class who looked the other way in good times, unable today, either in Spain or elsewhere, to pull the car forward to get us off the hook). Only in this way we can survive this tough stage, a painful stop on the way the only thing that can make us more stronger and better, but we must be prepared for any contingency.
If the crisis affects all sectors, I will tell the topic publisher. We discussed about their deep problems in a previous post on I will not elaborate, but we all hope that the storm abates and at least, although not a booming renaissance, if we can go back at least to a time more conducive to our interests.
Not to bore you too much, and noticing my becoming strictly literary, I will say that in 2010 I made progress, though of course not everything we had hoped. It was not until recent months when I really aware of what they seek in agencies and publishing houses, so I came back to make substantial revisions and corrections of my first two novels, chapters also restructured in some cases, with the intention of trying to achieve that goal that we sometimes see so close but yet so far. Now is when I'm done to understand the mechanisms that drive the editorial machinery, these hidden springs for novel are like an ocean unfathomable when we get into flour, oblivious to everything that surrounds a world unknown to many but you want to access.
The only downside is that it took me long to realize this. Since I have mentioned on occasion that the latest versions of my novels have able to cross the rigid filters agencies and / or publishing two or three years ago, but now is almost unthinkable. I was late, we're going to do. Even renowned writers, with three and four published works, are having a lot of trouble posting, so imagine the rookies. The companies do not risk at this time so bad, so you just have to wait. This situation can not last forever, and we must be prepared for when our real time.
nickel Besides giving these two works to fight on equal terms with many others that have the same desire I had time in 2010 to write other things. I started a third work I stopped momentarily set aside to assail a sudden idea that it should undertake without fail. I did it differently in my writing over the years. I listened to Stephen King and I dropped everything I had inside, without looking back or correct a single word. Baring my soul and wrote like crazy, finishing the first draft of the manuscript in three months of summer, which, between vacations and other matters, would use at most 50 or 60 days. A milestone I am proud, but I know I have a tough task ahead if they want that rough scope chrysalis butterfly category.
The other piece that I left half surprised me to reread. Not only because I like the plot and to see possibilities, but improved his style and because he did not remember writing length: 140 pages 12 font double spaced. Almost half a novel that will have to assess if I return in early 2011, although many other ideas relentlessly attacking my mind: a historical frame, another spy, one of adventure, another thriller, a detective, not forgetting another mystery in recent days, a possible series of juvenile novels. You see my mind at rest, only I have to study the pros and cons calmly before attacking the next target.
This year I just continued to feed in the literary world, reaching known, both virtually and in person, many interesting people who move within a sector that I have more clear every day that I belong, and lots of lights and shadows that I find along the way: writers, editors, bloggers, journalists, writers, literary agents and like-minded people with whom I could make contact with over 2010. A highly enriching experience and I recommend to everyone.
a result I was able to attend interesting literary events, performances, events and celebrations related to the theme of events at the Book Fair of Madrid, Getafe Black, Spring Award galas, Llanes or Algaba, various cultural festivals and endless Presentations literature where the love of literature is the centerpiece of almost every menu. That way I could tell you after these experiences on the blog, sharing with you all these great moments and even taking me a pleasant surprise that those accounts were mentioned with appreciation on their personal pages by writers such as Lorenzo Silva and Pedro de Paz . Another reason to keep working hard, looking hopefully achieve that goal someday.
During this past year I have also continued to work with various digital media, and I even had time to immerse myself in other cultural projects that caught my attention. The fact I'm just delighted with it and very pleased with the results, so I hope that in 2011 this will crescendo.
already have time to thoroughly evaluate all this once after the holidays. And is that by changing habits, and for the first time in my life, the early hours of the new year will pass in a place far removed from my home or a family member. A place in warmer latitudes where, in addition to forget the rain and cold typical of these dates, try to charge the batteries to face a tough year, but I hope also full of satisfactions.
Until then I wish everyone happy holidays and a good input and output year. Enjoy these days in the company of your loved ones, longing for the arrival of these wise men to fill you with gifts. And, of course, I hope that 2011 will fulfill all our dreams and we can keep sharing them.
Monday, December 27, 2010
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We also thank the people of facebook, Bertha, Hector, Mary, Jamie, Geraldine, Rachel, Joseph Paul, Mary, Rosa Maria, Andrew, James, Cynthia, Juan Carlos, Peter, Hector, Sandra, Fifth Dimension, Beatrice Resident , Tomeu and the 530 people who follow us in this way.
Indeed, thanks to all. Thanks for being part of Hidden Files, both the blog and the Facebook. Thank you for your views, your comments, to share and make richer the blog.
Thanks also for promoting our site, we are many and we are becoming more and this encourages us to continue growing.
A hug and thanks total.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
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Thanks to all 69 participants. Thank you for taking the time to share and some so help you grow your blog. A hug to everyone.
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The Lady Serene Grand Duchess Mother:
few years ago, as you know your serene highness, I discovered in the heavens many things not seen before our age. The novelty of such things, and certain consequences that followed from them, contrary to the physical notions commonly supported by academic philosophers, launched against me quite a few teachers, as if I had put these things in the sky with my own hands, to disturb and disrupt the nature of science, forgetting, in a way that the multiplication of the findings concur progress of research, development and consolidation of science, and not weakening or destruction. To show more enthusiasm for their own views of truth, tried to deny and disprove the new things, if they had been dedicated to regard with attention, should have been rooting for their existence. To this end, several local offices and published some writings filled with vain arguments, and made the terrible mistake of splashing with passages from the Scriptures, which had not properly understood and that do not correspond to the issues ...
... These adversaries try to discredit by all possible means. Know that my studies of astronomy and philosophy have led me to say with regard to wing up in the world, the sun, without change of place, remains located in the center of the revolution of celestial orbits, and that the Earth rotates on itself and moves around the Sun also warn that such a position not only destroys the arguments of Ptolemy and Aristotle, but it brings consequences that provide insights into whether many natural effects which otherwise would not know how to explain, as some recent astronomical discoveries, which radically contradict the Ptolemaic system and confirm the Copernican beautifully ...
... would point it was known to recognize that the author never try it matters affecting religion or faith, and that there are no arguments that depend on the authority of Holy Scripture, which eventually could have played bad, but always complies natural conclusions, regarding celestial motions, based on astronomical and geometrical demonstrations and experiences that come from reasonable minuciosísimas and observations. This does not mean that Copernicus has not paid attention to the passages of Scripture, but once well demonstrated his doctrine, was certainly persuaded that in any way could be in conflict with Scripture, since they were properly understood ...
I revere those authorities and will I have the utmost respect, considered extremely daring to contradict them, but at the same time, I think it is a mistake to speak when they have reason to believe that some in his own interest, try to use a sense different from that which interprets the Holy Church. Therefore, with a solemn affirmation (and I think that my sincerity will manifest itself), I would reject not only the errors which could fall into the field of matters relating to religion, without or declare also that I will not engage in any discussion on these matters or even if they might give rise to interpretations away from my personal career, were to be some capable of inducing others to make a useful warning for the Holy Church with respect to the uncertainty of the Copernican system, take me that this point is taken into account, and he cast them from the party that the authorities consider desirable, otherwise, my writings are torn or burned, I do not intend for them to reap the fruit to make me betray my faithfulness to the Catholic faith. Besides, even with my own ears have heard a lot of things he has said here, I willingly grant them to those who said they might not have said, if they please, and I confess to have been able to understand evil, and therefore not attributed to them that I hold, but those who share that view.
The reason, therefore, that they claim to condemn the theory of mobility and stability Tierra del Sol is as follows: to read to many passages of Scripture that the sun moves and the Earth is stationary and they can not never lie or err, it follows that it is wrong and condemned the statement quine intend to apply for the sun and the earth is still moving. Against this view would I object to is and has been blessed this, and established with prudence, that in no case shall the Scriptures can be wrong, provided they are properly interpreted, do not think anyone can deny that many times the pure meaning of the words is hidden and is very different from its sound. Therefore, it is not surprising that one to interpret them, staying, to appear in the Scriptures not only contradictions and assumptions unrelated to the above, but also heresies and blasphemies with which we have to give to God feet, hands and eyes, and also the physical and human feelings such as anger, sorrow, hate, and maybe even forget the past and ignorance of what is to come . And with those proposals, inspired by the Holy Spirit, were developed in this way by the holy prophets in order to better adapt to the capacity of the vulgar, rude and unruly lot, just as is the work of those outside the ranks of the people, the reach deeply into the true meaning and show the reasons why they are written with such words. This view has been much discussed and specified by all theologians, it is redundant to reason for it.
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this week before Christmas, typical of a gathering of friends, family, business lunches and all such acts are characteristic before tackling those nights so typical of our idiosyncrasies, the winter weather has wanted to join with his icy breath without prevent people mobilize en masse.
cultural life of a city like Madrid does not rest ever, and well we saw this week, where the diversity of the various proposals delights the most demanding palates. For example, on Thursday attended the second premiere of the show "Flamenco Temple" , Harlequin Theatre in Madrid, hosted by Silvia Pérez Trejo in his coming-out as director of Imagine Entertainment . A gala attended by many personalities from the English and other celebrities of coated paper, immortalized in the photocall for photographers and cameramen from various national television networks before the show to enjoy live flamenco.
acknowledge that I never called attention to the flamenco, while recognizing his art, but finally fell exhausted as the rest of the stalls. A spectacular show, sober and elegant, full of nuances where ancient arts together as the singing and dancing with a modern touch to expand the already timeless range of possibilities of a discipline so sacrificed for the artist and showy for viewer. Chapeau for Fran Vílchez company for giving some of his art in a week that flamenco lovers are mourning the death of Enrique Morente. If you have time do not fail to attend, since the show will remain in the lineup only until December 30. You will not regret.
To continue the cultural week last night we were invited to the Christmas party Culturama magazine, a magazine proposed leisure and culture that I've written on occasion and with whom I have the pleasure to work . With the innovation hat and human and cultural quality of the leaders and participants in the project as a guarantee of success, Culturama has grown in recent months, reinforcing its strong position and reaches its web platform the beautiful figure of 3,000 visitors a day. In these difficult times for all and more in a world sometimes so reviled as culture, I think is a great initiatives news how are you get ahead. There
we share a special evening with lots of old and new friends, chatting about the most diverse topics in a relaxed atmosphere. Among various snacks and drinks the night progressed inexorably, without even realizing, happy to share good times with like-minded people to our tastes. We were able to greet and talk with officials and staff of the magazine as Javier V. Losada, Carmen F. Etreros, Laura Muñoz, S. Lorenzo and Ruben Rodriguez Wheats. Share news and secrets of the publishing and literary writers such as Pedro de Paz, Jorge Diaz, Paco Gómez Escribano, José Luis Muñoz, Marcelo Lujan or Maria Zaragoza. Or chat quietly film, theater or dance with other guests tucked squarely in this world. A real treat and a party organized in style in a fantastic sights such as the Hotel Madrid Kafka.
Madrid nights can be very long, but we are not picked up too late. And to finish the week well, this morning I found a pleasant surprise. Occasionally I have the audacity to write and send a story or short story to a contest, more to entertain and try different things to the novel longer than for other reasons. I recognize that it is not my thing, but sometimes one is rewarded in very different ways.
We also talked at some point in this contest of micro-blog about lawyers celebrated that takes time. Our good friend Maribel Romero has been selected several times as a candidate to win the monthly prize, and she is the one I have been advised this morning that my story "Memories of the past" has been selected among those chosen for the month of December part of those published in the web the competition, also opting monthly premium. It is not going to win, or if no one knows yet, but the news has cheered me on.
I do not feel too comfortable writing the story, whether short or long, used mainly to deal with novels 400 pages, although I am satisfied with the result. Moreover, in this contest you have to submit to laws stricter. Do not exceed 150 words, referring to the theme of law and included as a condition to play the five words that change monthly, thus increasing the difficulty. In this case the choice were: hood, maturity, spine, pain and tangerine. I copy here the text below for those who want to read it, too happy to share with you the good news. Happy weekend and enjoy all of next week, a few days to celebrate again with our loved ones Christmas.
After ten years in prison Mario suffered from untreated depression, still far from the expiration of his sentence. The penalty was upon him, mercilessly sweeping glimpses of sanity he had left, toward the unfathomable abyss of suicide. Gotta talk to the firm and sent their best expert views for parole. The young lawyer was present in the visiting room, very elegant with its dark gray suit jacket. They sat between two guards talk hieratic, rigid and columns. A moment later, Mario broke his face, perhaps alerted by the audible sound of a bell inside that warned of disaster, and left the room. The lawyer looked at him quizzically, unaware that the remnants of her perfume mandarin had opened Pandora's box. Mario deeply hated the smell and only then realized the reason for the death of his wife.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
If I Take Long Showers Am I Gay?
are so wedded to the material world who suffer from chronic fear, fear of illness, fear of thieves, fear of open spaces, fear of closed spaces, fear of leaving, fear airplanes, etc.., pretending to live eternally excited about the research focused on reversing the aging process to prolong life indefinitely, regardless of the social, economic, demographic and generational.

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- If life gives you thousand reasons to mourn, shows that you have a thousand and one to dream.
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The American, Timothy Ray Brown, 44 years of age has become the first man to be cured of HIV (AIDS).
Brown received in 2007 a stem cell transplant as part of a treatment for leukemia. The donor in this case, had genetic resistance to HIV and that was what determined the care of Brown, who had to undergo the transplant after doctors decided he could not continue with sessions of chemotherapy to fight leukemia suffering.
transplantation ended with both the blood cancer and AIDS.
One in a million?
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S., who has 30 years experience in the study of HIV / AIDS, said that while it is an interesting test, is "absolutely impracticable ".
"It's hard enough to get a compatible donor for a transplant like this," Fauci said at, "But you have to find a match that has the genetic defect that is only 1% of the population Caucasians and 0% of the black population. This is very strange, "he said. He said
Timothy Ray though is "functionally cured", this is not something you can do with all those infected with HIV.
In this regard, Thomas Quinn, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health said it was a rare case and a transplant of this nature is not the panacea for other HIV patients. "It's a near-fatal procedure was done because of leukemia, but this procedure is very expensive and must be transplanted with a donor that has demonstrated resistance to HIV," he said.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Changing A Rook Piercing
In this difficult year for everyone, and a few dates in the calendar changed to 2011 which hopefully will be much better, although the outlook is bleak, I wanted to share with you some notes on the publishing sector , that when some want to access one way or another even though they have already known within discourage you sometimes with their words.
After months of bickering, with rumors of all kinds that swarm through blogs, social networks, loud conversations in meetings and literary events or any other means, we can only clear one issue: the publishing industry is also in crisis. Sales have dropped significantly, endure developments increasingly less on the tables of the libraries, circulation of first editions are becoming smaller each day are returned books to the distributor and a host of other arguments that can make your hair stand the most painted edge.
If it is difficult to reach, it seems almost impossible to keep. Novice writers have to climb the equivalent of a dozen Everest to achieve his dream, but is that those who have already published one, two, three or more books are neither so easy. The publishers are the problems of other sector partners and put their beards to soak. The companies will not see their benefits cut in the best and not collapse with devastating losses in the worst of them, so they have to innovate or play safe. And over time has been appearing on the horizon the problem / salvation of the digital book without a clear path to follow to the dilemma facing us all.
But is that nobody is safe even got a good scare, but has signed a contract with a publisher, or his book is published and distributed more or less successful. I've known Several cases of writers who have regained the rights to their works, even after collecting the advance of publication, but his work is finally published. It's something crazy that I do not understand very well, for many costs incurred in the publication and distribution of this book do not understand who prefer losing money already paid for fear of possible failure of this edition.
Although there are other cases of gross and I became aware in recent weeks. A major publisher you all know, with major titles in thriller and historical developments which were always well placed in all libraries, it seems no sign of life. The authors attempt contact them by phone, mail or fax and get no response. Burofax nor had any result, as signed contracts, assignment of rights, settlement to be paid, and many details are in question, especially considering that in different forums says that company officials have run off with the wind cool to an unknown destination.
Many others may have seen some messages on social networks and groups created by writers who fail to collect the royalties owed, but that's another subject. Not to mention the cases of publishers publish much in favor of foreign authors who have had success with it so it's much more difficult. O publishers to send them a proposal to issue and tell you that right now only publish their literary prizes and little else. The outlook is grim, but we are not going to stop fighting.
I do not know if every day there are more people writing and less reading, but agencies and publishers are overwhelmed. Talent abounds in our bull hide and friendly countries with whom we share language. And we need to write because it is something inherent in us, almost like the air we breathe, we will continue to do so despite adverse circumstances. There is always hope on the horizon. Still out promising projects of small publishers that are released to the stormy waters so difficult of sailing at the moment, but his courage and bravery is the mirror in which we must look at us all. O initiatives such as the librinos, or different ways of approaching the digital challenge. Not to mention the success of authors recognized that reach far run in the millions, or second and subsequent editions of writers new to this market that have landed heavily on his literary debut.
We can not think that the future is just black, can be a gray shades that may one day show us the bright blue sky we all want to look at our particular horizon. And for that we must continue in the gap, fighting with all our strength. And like any another sector that price, we have to keep using that money to circulate and machinery does not stop. We continue to read, write, share intense moments with lovers of literature as we seek our dreams, because one can take away that illusion, that sublime moment that other colleagues have already accomplished and who apparently knows glory. Until then we just be patient, keep working and hope that the future may feel strongly these timid sun trying to poke behind the dark clouds of despair.