Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Need Printable Cards For My Mom


No, do not be scared. I do not mean to get a perfect tan, or those famous purposes healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy food that we all do. The post title refers to something much more prosaic. And of course, being a literary blog, this is the protagonist of the post. Previous entries

few weeks ago, I talked about my new project: an intimate novel that had knocked on the door of my brain, slipping helplessly and ruthlessly cornering the story he was writing. It seemed an interesting idea, with strength and character, and I had to see if he could perform the task with proficiency.

is a novel of characters, feelings, passions and sensations. A deep storyline, with female characters who suffer and enjoy life. An intimate novel, more introspective, without going as drama can put a lump in my throat. And that's what I tried to do, giving then a touch of intrigue, thrills, and a subplot that no supernatural reach us into issues that human reasoning is still unable to fully understand.

did not think that the work would be too long but finally I reached 242 pages, double spaced, with font size 12. About 76000 words. Shorter than my previous novels, but with a respectable size. As you begin to write I thought it was a bet myself, to see if I could finish it, but then keep in a drawer. But now, after putting the final point, I'm pretty happy with the result and I think he deserves a chance. It's a long shot, but you never know ...

why I've been a bit absent from the blogosphere this month of August. I wanted to get a routine move as close as possible to the novel, and in the end I was able to finish during this hot month. And that the circumstances were not the best: the unbearable heat wave across the country and not exactly screaming brats under my window all day, while bathing in the pool or play in public areas is not the best way to focus to write a novel.

But the idea in my head, and it took me less than I expected to bring it to light. The idiosyncrasy of the work I have not had that document too, and the noticeable progress every day. For example, in the last week I wrote 60 pages to finish it all, with a rhythm that had never previously achieved. And I met for the first time a top of the master King, one of those loose pearls in his wonderful "as I write."

I mean it took me about three months to finish the job. I find it incredible knowing that for the other two novels took me more than double. It is also true that I tried write every day, even holidays, commitments and other issues several dates on the calendar then removed. I've seen that I can be consistent, take a satisfactory routine and get the job done. And I'm very proud of it.

Now I will return the old ways and rest a little, which has left me slightly exhausted this process summer. It feels strange, and you know it. That emptiness that fills one end of the novel that has put all his soul. The novel will be a few weeks resting, resting, until you take it up and take a scythe to round the edges less flattering.


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