From the advent of the decolonization process in 1960, Britain began to bring on the relationship with its colonies through agreements, concessions and any other arrangement that would allow them Despres, keeping all the possible control economic and political or at least the necessary conditions to develop their business in the same or similar in how they did before the start of that process.
The loss of her colonial possessions mean to mainland Britain, in large measure the loss of military bases that would allow it to design a strategic control over the most important focus areas in all continentes.No However, I still have a number of insular possessions, used properly, can replace aquellas.Resulta of interest to the Argentines remember what those islands in the South Atlantic: Ascension, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough, which controls without discusion.Y Malvinas, Georgia South and South Sandwich Islands, whose sovereignty claim Argentina.Ademas maintains a claim of sovereignty over the South Orkney and South Shetland, which is consistent with that made by Argentina and Chile on the same archipielagos.Como can be seen, these possessions are a chain of potential military bases, eventually, may provide the key points of a strategy for the South Atlantic domain.
In fact, Ascension and the Falklands are bases current military operation, which can largely control the access of the South Atlantic, from North and from a possible future conflict Sur.es, who owns a naval base in the Falklands have the possibility to control the passage between Atlantic and the serious possibility Pacifico.Tal naturally more valuable if the Panama Canal will remain unused for any reason. Otr
From point of view, also important to consider the strategic value that can acquire the Falklands in the case of a conflict in which United States is necessary to ensure that sea route, along the Cape of Good Hope, was heading to the States united, not by the shortest route but which is safer, ie next to the South American coast of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
from the book: Falklands - Carlos Busser
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