Yesterday afternoon we were fortunate to attend a literary evening interesting occasion of the debut novel "The Man Who Killed Durruti", the writer Pedro de Paz. Although during the events of Black Getafe also sought to express presentation of this book, in fact last night was the real coming-out of the work in Madrid, where the publisher Aladena reprint.
This novel was the first author in his successful literary career. With his debut deservedly won the prize rise José Saramago short story in 2003. By several circumstances, such work was not distributed according to their literary quality, and the author was always the thorn stuck. Until now, when it has been reissued in a revised and expanded edition with a biographical essay on the figure of Buenaventura Durruti, a singular work that will thrill fans of the genre not just black, humanistic historical novel or essay.
This time, the master of ceremonies for the event was the author and screenwriter Jorge Diaz. In his first lecture we talked about the circumstances and reasons for this reissue special, very complicated project and more at the present time the native publishing sector, presenting a very enjoyable and educational work and the author of it, Pedro de Paz.
Peter thanked the words of Jorge Diaz, delighted to present this book in one place so dear to all lovers of the genre known as black as is the library "Study in Scarlet", and at a date as 19 November, the anniversary of the death of Buenaventura Durruti.
He told us the reasons for launching this project. On the one hand his passion for the historical period of the English Civil War, hobby that has made him widely read and documented through various means, seeking new information about this turbulent time in our history. On the other hand the taste for crime fiction. By combining these two passions came the germ of this novel.
In fact, he emphasized the writer, not looking to write a novel about Durruti, but in the period of documentation you the opportunity arose. He found a captivating personality and a real life film during the years of the known anarchist, so did not have to invent any character in fiction for his novel, which really takes after his untimely and mysterious death in front of the Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid. Is that possible police investigation that followed the tragic fact that gives rise to the subsequent detective story in which the commander and Lieutenant Fernández Durán Alcazar, and transcripts of Holmes and Watson in an affectionate nod to his admired Conan Doyle try to clarify what happened to such a tragic outcome. Pedro de Paz
wanted to make clear to the audience that what is shown in the novel so
The author confessed that he has continued research on the subject and probably start now if I had to scratch his novel, matizaría some aspects of it. Thanks to this enormous research, Pedro de Paz was able to provide a real surprise then respectable literary act reaching a higher stage. Pedro de Paz
spoke of exile and subsequent drop in Apple José forget Vivo, Durruti's faithful squire, a career soldier who accompanied the anarchist at the time of his death, and therefore, almost the only reliable witness to what happened that November 19, 1936. After his exile in Mexico did not turn the sergeant heard anything Apple, even came to say that has not met or had any dealings with the rest of exiled English Republicans. A mystery to be included in a chain of more obscure events that giant in the aura that surrounds the figure of Buenaventura Durruti. Until yesterday.
The writer told us how he came into contact with a sergeant's family called Apple, a fact that is irrefutable evidence corroborated after teaching. Then to the surprise of the respectable, Pedro de Paz had the pleasure to announce the attendance here of Begoña Apple, daughter of Durruti collaborator, and his son, grandson of the English military. Expressly arrivals from Mexico, his native country, had the courtesy to attend the presentation and Mrs. Apple even sat next to the writer, willing to shed light on the dark cloak of mystery surrounding this story. Begoña
Apple said his father was a blameless man, a rigid career soldier who served the Republic faithfully until the end of the war. Seeing her lost fled to France, like thousands of other exiles, later take a boat which takes you to Veracruz. Later he settled in Mexico City, becoming a successful businessman who lived with dignity the rest of his life in the friendly country. The sergeant followed Apple case with the rest of exiled republicans, even taking part in the formation of the House of Spain in the American country. According
argued the military's daughter, her father never spoke of the war, though he insisted. Yes hab
In a relaxed and joyful way, Begoña Apple told us stories of his father, the rigid nature imposed military even when their children wake up at six in the morning bell. Or as the fear felt by English exiles, even having fled the country, led them to build secret compartments to hide in their homes deeds or any other important and valuable document that would like to have a safe place. Child caches which incited the interest that every child has the things you do not know, making the young seek restlessly Begoña's.
This was followed by a round of questions from the audience, both for the writer and his special guest, making the act to lengthen without even realizing. Upon written book signing by the author then developed the usual talk of such acts, accompanied by rich meats washed down with spirits, to the delight of the audience. That was when we engage in interesting conversations with some of those attending the event as writers Jorge Magano, Paco Gómez Escribano, Jorge Diaz, Antonia Corrales, Rubén Sánchez, Lorenzo Rodriguez and many friends and co-author who wanted clothing on such a day important to him. Talks in which we dissect the current reality of the publishing industry and learned of those details are so interesting that, ultimately, the sauce of these meetings.
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