Monday, February 28, 2011

How Long Do You Have Egg White Cervical Mucus

IAMX-Volatile times

Well, we are very close, it was time, new work by Chris Corner to be released on March 18, until then (if it can be slightly sooner the better) You can enjoy the single Ghosts of Utopia.

Incidentally, on 29 April in Madrid Heineken is this guy acting. I walk in there too.

I AM X - Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction (2009)

I Am X - The alternative (special edition 2007)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bethany James Instructions

1 - JANUARY 2011

January 2011 Editorial
By Hugo Pinaud R.
Director of "CECITEC"

Some ideas put forward by the undersigned after the earthquake of February 2010 have been answered with the activity of the current government.
comment Let's see what the past year:

I. - What are the objectives to be met ONEMI according to the State Constitution and internal regulations

plan, promote, coordinate and implement actions for prevention, response and rehabilitation in situations collective risk, emergencies, disasters and disasters caused by natural or human action, through the coordination of the National Civil Protection System to protect people, property and the environment.

Strategic Vision:
contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens, incorporating a better control and / or risk management in the planning for sustainable development, national, regional, provincial and communal levels, mainly in the latter, which constitutes the immediate context of the community and therefore best for the improvement of safety measures and protection of persons, their property and environment.
ONEMI's action is based on the Section 1, Ch. I of the Constitution of the State of Chile, which states:
"... it is the duty of the State to safeguard national security, to protect the population and family ...", which corresponds to the field of Civil Protection, globally defined as "the protection of persons, their property and environment against all risk, whether natural or caused by man, exercised through planning, to consider as fundamental principles for Mutual Aid and Employment Resources Stacking.
The responsibility of national leadership of the Civil Protection in Chile for the Ministry of Interior, which exerts through its specialized service: ONEMI
In the paper are the obligations of ONEMI and must be present in any natural emergency or created by man, but ....

published by the Journal News "The Universe" of Ecuador in relation to the earthquake which struck on 27 February to our Country:

Tsunami earthquake left more dead in Chile
SANTIAGO Monday March 1, 2010

Pelluhue, Chile. The population, about 322 kilometers southwest of Santiago, was almost entirely destroyed by flooding after the earthquake of 8.8.
The Chilean government admitted that the Navy made a mistake in initially ruled a tsunami on the south coast following the earthquake of 8.8 degrees early Saturday February 27, 2010, they finally struck a large area.
"The death toll from the earthquake and tsunami rose to 708 and the figure will probably rise," said former President Michelle Bachelet, who called the situation "an emergency without parallel in the history of Chile" .
Former President recognized that the tsunami caused more casualties than the earthquake. "At least 541 deaths were concentrated in the Maule, whose coastal areas suffered the tsunami," he said.
After the quake, the government ruled out a tsunami on the basis of a "mistake" of diagnosis of the Chilean Navy, but huge waves devastated, just 20 minutes later, a large strip of coastal towns, coves and ports to 400 meters inland, taking hundreds of homes rennet.
"What you saw on the coast, between regions VI and IX (Maule, Bío Bío and La Araucanía) is a tidal wave here and in Burundi, and there was a mistake," said the former Minister Vidal.
"We, the first information we received is that there was no tsunami. And, indeed, when we started finding other sources that were producing variations in sea level, consult for them. They told us (in the Navy) that the variation did not exceed 20 centimeters, "revealed the former director of the National Emergency Office (Onemi), Carmen Fernandez.
Immediately after the earthquake, the former president ruled out the existence of a tsunami and issued a call for calm.
Constitution in the town of wave swept restaurants, pubs, clubs, inns and hotels located off the beach, and according to state television TVN, killed 350 people.
"Everything is gone, saved only what they wore, said one affected, while the TV showed furniture and cars on the beach, and trucks pulled to the top of a hill.
A dozen people missing in the island of Juan Fernandez, 600 km offshore, where a village was razed.
The tsunami swept boats to the docks of the port of Talcahuano and caused waves up to 2 meters in Tonga, New Zealand, Japan and Kuril Islands.

-708 (in reality were fewer deaths) victims was until yesterday afternoon the balance of the earthquake and tsunami Chile, as former President Michelle Bachelet.
-30,000 million dollars in losses, 15% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), leaving the quake.
-3 million euros ($ 4,080,000) is the emergency aid approved by the European Commission (EC).
-1.5 million homes were affected by the earthquake, about half a million of them are uninhabitable.
205,000 euros ($ 278,800) are the resources that the International Federation of Red Cross unlocked its emergency funding for rescue operations after the quake Chile.

Why the collapse of the civil protection ONEMI on February 27, 2010?

In my opinion for 4 reasons:

1) Why is a state agency and state, and all state disagree with quick reality and changing today, are extremely slow and will remain very slow, due to bureaucracy which is its guiding sign.

2) The ONEMI not have given the necessary resources to be a body
Supra national and exclusive reliance of the President of the Republic to bring together all state agencies that deal with an emergency such as having online directly with the Armed Forces to take immediate action to order in the affected areas, this should be done automatically after or during the event of disaster.

3) We lack the resources to be permanently Motorcycles, helicopters, trucks for rapid deployment to disaster areas; Instrumental detection; Media Satellite and economic resources for public education to the community, especially to educational institutions and trained manpower and training excellence to meet the Community
words, only an autonomous body supervised by the Comptroller General of Republic and the President of the Republic. You must also have administrative contact with the Higher Education Agencies that have faculties associated with natural disasters: Institute of Seismology, Energy, Oceanography, among others.

4) Must be an autonomous decentralized agency with offices in every region. There should be a flexible plan to address the realities that exist in a disaster.
Today February 27, 2011, a year of disaster response here:

Present Future National Civil Protection Agency
By Maria Cristina Romero - http://www.lanació
Blackout Agency

Sebastián Piñera President, in company some of his ministers, signed on Tuesday February 22, 2011 Bill establishing the National System of Emergency and Civil Protection, which created the National Civil Protection Agency, a body that will replace the existing National Emergency Office ( Onemi), an organization that has been harshly criticized for his performance during the earthquake that struck the country last February 27.

On occasion, Piñera said that "today in fulfillment of the commitment of the morning of 27 February, we will submit and sign the bill that creates new governance and modern that collects the best examples and practices of the world "as well as providing more authority and resources to the old body.

Thus, the restructuring of the organization, also provides for the creation of the National Civil Protection, which will advise the Ministry of Interior and Public Security in the development of National Strategy Civil Protection.

addition, the new agency is the National Civil Protection Fund, to finance the activities and initiatives that contribute to reducing risk and achieve an adequate level of preparedness for any emergency.

According to the president, all these changes will allow the agency more "nimble" and can "react in time and not when it is too late warning, will always be prepared" while it will be "effective to accomplish their work to prevent, warn, protect and help our people against natural disasters that we do not know where or when we're going to hit."

For Moreover, the project will strengthen the coordination of institutions, as embodied in the armed forces and police in work related to prevention and emergency preparedness, as well as in regard to the responses to them and aid delivery.

For the Minister of Interior and Public Security, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, who also attended the ceremony, "the new National Civil Protection Agency is going to put the level of developed countries in world, because in Chile we always have the risk of a volcanic emergency, earthquakes or tsunamis. So the first thing we must do as a country, to know that we must prepare and understand what to do when an emergency occurs. "

Among the innovations that come with the new institutions, is the newly opened Early Warning System within the Onemi, which will monitor the various risk scenarios anywhere in the country or abroad and will serve to collect, report and disseminate the emergency alarm to the public and call the authorities to be responsible for evaluating the situation.

At this, the director of the Onemi, Vicente Núñez said that "without doubt one of the greatest challenges is to reach people with a clear and precise message whenever there is need to declare, for example , a process of evacuation, "task that is working through the inclusion of new technologies to ensure efficient information transmission.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Angela Myammee Pitts Nipple

MillionYoung - Replicants (2011)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bells Palsy Cold Exposure


Francisco José Jurado Cordoba is a writer with a long literary career crowned with numerous awards and citations, especially in the context of the story. "Benegas is his first novel, published by Almuzara, and the name of the protagonist of this book promises to become saga: the Chief Inspector of Judicial Homicide Brigade of Cordoba, hometown of the author. A novel that has reaped rewards and praise from critics and audiences, highlighting having been a finalist for the award of Brigade 21 and Novelpol novel. The dream debut for any novelist.

The novel consists of three different stories, three seemingly separate plots where peculiar Benegas and team have to put all eggs in one basket to resolve the investigation. But nothing is as it seems and the apparent irrelevance of the three stories will result in one of the most amazing end to which we may find ourselves not only on gender and black, but the narrative in general.

In the first of the stories Benegas and his aides are investigating the death of a important politician who was involved in shady business, rooted with dark goings that occurred in the early Franco Cordoba, once ended the Civil War: The Falange, church, social institutions and the business of buying and selling of gold is mixed in a case much more complicated than it seems.

The second story appears another major stigmas in today's society: child pornography and prostitution degrading treatment in high-flying. A million dollar business in which they are involved middling celebrities and academics, in a network in which unscrupulous blackmail, corruption and murder can be a bargaining chip for either player in such a dangerous world.

But by the third and final story, "Who killed Frankie Jury?" when the author, with that unmistakable nod to his own name in the title of the plot, gives an unexpected twist to the reader, sucking helplessly into a whirlpool in which we do not know what is fiction and what is reality. It all starts with the disappearance of a young black writer who practiced literary, selling his soul to the devil and his work, in this case in the hands of a mediocre scribbler of three to room full of conceit, that because of the checks signed by father, nobleman known banker and Cordoba with friends in high places, get make a name thanks to the works of "ghost writer" and tinkering between savings and cultural institutions in awarding literary prizes in the region.

Francisco José Jurado, heir to the best crime novel Mediterranean (the author confesses fan Vázquez Montalbán, Márkaris or Montalbano, although sources Mankell drinks) presents a Benegas something away from the usual canons of police novel . And perhaps most important difference is normal. A man in the street, of his time, working, cynical observer of life you live. An inspector with a nose that does not believe in tricks to find those guilty of crimes, but only in a job well done. A man like any other, in love with his wife to the core but is going through the doldrums of marriage that can happen to anyone. A policeman knows as little of the environment in which it moves, the low and high Córdoba funds this beautiful and ancient that weekend tourists know they exist.

special mention of the great side of these stories, both the research team Benegas as different characters that appear in the detective plot. Realistic characters who live, laugh, cry and roam the city, knowing of his hand the typical bars in the area, the most important monuments or institutions that govern the city with a firm hand. With a few dialogues accurate, something acidic in certain circumstances, Benegas and his crew are putting us squarely in their research while advancing the plot, talking football, women, heads unbearable or anything else of which we could hear in our daily lives while enjoying a few beers tapas to forget the hard day's work.

The author makes a risky bet both in substance and in form. In the exercise of more canonical novels, re-creating the society in which the characters move, the novel eviscerates us unequivocally dirtiest rags that others know Córdoba: political corruption and other social institutions, influence peddling, urban plots, dirty business at the mercy of the enrichment of stores, high-flying prostitution in the most exclusive areas of the city, online blackmail, exploitation of fellows in the University, Church and its many arms executing the business of the purchase of literary awards, the shenanigans between banks, savings banks and their social and political work shifts, etc.. This book leaves no puppet head in a provincial town where everyone knows each other, transforming the city into a character in the plot.

But what really surprised the reader is mirrors game that takes place in the last part of this exciting novel. So far the work developed in the third person omniscient so classic. But in the last stage the events are occurring at a rapid pace, narrated in first person by someone telling us what's happening in real time. Frankie jury found that the writer is hired as black and Benegas becomes the main character of his novels sold at the behest of substantial checks to obviate their responsibility. The inspector and his assistants Benegas pass real life, as the reader and writer become literary characters. Intricate will seduce the reader, leading to unimaginable paths in which fiction and reality collide to result in a powerful end that leaves you breathless.

A particularly well-written novel, with an elegant style and story line crescendo, leaving the best for last. In short, a work worthy of note in these days when the Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian crime novels is in fashion, demonstrating that the police protagonists in the works of the great masters of southern Europe may have a worthy successor in this Benegas which will be own literary saga.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Bronzing Powders 2010

The Crystal Ark - The City Never Sleeps

Shame I should give to be so long without updating, I admit it and ask the necessary apologies. But what do you want me to say?, "Too much devotion to laziness? Maybe ¡¡¡¡. Finally ....

I hope to return soon for updates, as soon as I leave the last work of Gavin Russom. , do not confuse the Chinese he always does bad in the movies.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart Attack Get Well


Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Beat Nabooti Safari


Well, we opened a new section Hidden Files, this time will be a section more playful, more fun, and well, try to share the most curious things, strange, but true, eye, must be true that occur or see in our countries. Today I share with you this photograph, which accompanied a video also to see that is true, which is shown to a post built in the middle of a road. Just as we hear, a pole in the middle of the road. The post is located in Chilca, in the province of Lima, Peru, and was filmed by the team of the website As I say, I hope you like this initiative and send me the real curiosities, hard to believe, that happen in your country. Email is:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pokemon Silver Rom Gameshark Cheats

The dreaded hill of January is over. Or not, because predictions are that last year at least until April. In fact, it seems that we just passed the first page of the calendar this turbulent 2011 that has begun worldwide. And what we lack.

few weeks I've been very reflective, especially in recent days. Will the little sleep that my brain cells active while trying to sleep, sumiéndome in all sorts of musings both personal and professional, literary or simply mundane. Today we are going to forgive me, but I want to share with you some of these ideas, and perhaps this post is a little longer than normal.

Do not worry, I will speak of the almost five million unemployed people have in Spain, although it could. Or the obvious inadequacy and worthlessness insulting of all our politicians, the coat which are: from left, right or center allegedly, local, regional, state or international. Not free either and so it goes. Although almost worse panda speculators, unscrupulous businessmen and bankers who have sunk into the most important global crisis we have experienced. Them to seek help from governments, while they have been taking money hand over fist and the poor workers on foot to tighten their belts. No, that's not going to talk, it warms me up ...

Perhaps the global crisis had to break somewhere. And in fact we are living in awe of events that occurred first in Tunisia, then in Egypt and now glimpsing the possibility of extending to other Muslim countries. The working class is tired of being trampled, and Europe seems to give us all the same. Here we only cast to the streets to celebrate sporting triumphs to protest prohibitions against alcohol or snuff. So it goes. And it shows no signs of improvement. But I will not speak of the revolutions that have nothing to fear not. Although, on balance, if today's topic is related to one of the catalysts for what we are seeing on television news around the world.

I mean the digital revolution, the Internet age. The use of social networks is changing the world, and indeed many of the demonstrations were made through the Network And while the authorities try to quell the masses by cutting the connection, as happened not too long ago in Iran, the intrinsic power of the web global spider exceeds expectations of the leaders more restrictive. A new power for the people living joyful situations that had always longed in the case of some oppressed peoples.

But in the so-called first world, the Internet also is changing everything. Today we do not imagine our life without the Internet, and in fact we feel orphaned when, for whatever reason, we're a few days offline. In a way it's good detox a bit, but for the new generation Internet is as innate as the air we breathe. And for us, like it or not, is also part of our lives. The digital revolution is already here, is not future but present. Is here to stay and all we have to adapt if we want to stay obsolete.

I will not list now the undisputed advantages of the Internet and its marvelous applications. Nor do the dangers that also includes a weapon so powerful. Today I'll focus on something that concerns us as readers, writers, surfers and lovers of culture in general. Discussions that take weeks in cyberspace, populating websites, blogs, forums and networks social. With opposing positions, and fiery polemics recalcitrant enemies that get us nowhere. Because everyone has to give a little to prevent this from getting out of hand.

You have all heard of the famous law Sinde. A law that nobody likes, or the advocates of "all free", or the authors who see their rights violated. Government and opposition, Internet users and people of culture, artists and authors with the public than to stand in a cluster difficult to reconcile. And radicalize the positions are not going to take us anywhere.

I read what I could on the subject, including the controversies in Twitter by Alejandro Sanz, associations Internet users or the same Alex de la Iglesia. Things have gotten out of proportion and in some cases has gotten out of the topic. And as the saying goes, "In the middle is virtue." So we will seek an entente cordial, although the solution does not seem close. And among so read caught my attention an article by writer Juan Gómez Jurado in . Please I would like you to leyerais calmly discuss the issue. And if you have some time, read also the comments, no waste.

I quite agree with almost everything that is said in that article, although it might qualify for some details, including the title. We can not criminalize everyone, which makes, for example, the famous canon digital (that we charge users instead of paying manufacturers, as required by law). Nor do I think good idea to close all the sites for injunctive paraphernalia created around a law that satisfies no one. We must learn to live with the new technologies, not close their eyes and try to adapt. A new era has come into our lives, and we have to do something about it to keep up with. And the question of all row forward so that the benefits passed on to more people.

always talk about the special feature English, and other rogue traders. Or else face that is culture. Yes, indeed. But not for this, and although we are on the dole, we will let you buy a book or watching a good movie in the cinema. But if we have other platforms available to us, if possible, legal and good quality at reasonable prices, certainly in the long term benefits for all will be numerous. In fact, I will still prefer to spend twenty dollars on a good book or watch a play that take two drinks. But there must be other options.

The article talks about the success in the Anglo world platforms such as Amazon, Itunes and Netflix. Okay, maybe we are not Americans. Then let's try something from us, closest our culture, but not as Libranda spawn. Hipermillonaria platform that seems to remove the reader from the possible acquisition of a digital book. Amazon

landed in Europe and Spain closed their eyes. In the United States and digital books sell more than normal, with thousands of prices as bearable as $ 7, including news, to a single click of our mouse. And here, after a half hour to stick with pages and brokers, you get a book for 16 € in a format that does not even work for your e-reader. And without any added value, a single PDF or epub file. Truly lamentable. That has to change.

will not be a way roses, but we can all do our bit. Should reform the Copyright Act, abolishing the famous canon and advocate for understanding between the parties. I am a reader and Internet user, but also write. To publish and I am satisfied, I will not live now in copyright. But I understand that something must be done to end the open bar.

Piracy has not ended, for now, neither the music nor the movie. But these artists have other ways to get benefits. A writer, except the large feathers that charge for attending courses, conferences and events. Their work should be rewarded, and many authors are considering changing the business model involved a lot of intermediaries that raise the product without being a genuine effect that benefit the author of the work.

In fact, among the comments of that article, a writer who had already heard sticks his head in such a debate to discuss his situation. Bruno Nieves, which is the name the author, speaks of an unpublished novel that gives away free on their website to the repeated rejection of agencies and publishers, with the endorsement of Juan Gómez Jurado himself as enthusiastic reader of it. Again the power of the Internet. I had heard mention of this novel in some pages and this week I've rediscovered in various blogs. Even took a report about this writer and his work in the newspaper most widely-free.

The power of viral marketing is brutal. Preteens who hung up their videos on Youtube are now global pop star. And the novel I mentioned, "Augmented Reality" , rose in popularity through the roof. A few days ago he walked the 7,500 free downloads of the work, but now I think it has more than 25,000 downloads. Something really amazing, and it tells us much of the power of the Internet. May have to ask.

The world is changing and we can help improve the extent of our possibilities. Perhaps this is the turning point that will create a new business model more akin to the era we live. Only time will tell, but meanwhile, try to go further and not falter before the huge challenge that lies before us.

And you, what do you think of this?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Notes For Condolences

Where To Buy An Ems Gator


Source: Group Manager 'Human Scale Development' in RedCiencia.

My biggest regret of this generation of youth, even my own contemporaries, is the limited ability to fight, everything is assimilated and everything is disposable, there is no reflection, criticism and social consciousness. They do not understand that kind of thinking that their lives end up being so, do not complain later when the same system as useless discard them after you get only what the public wants them work for it! and big companies like sponges absorb the fruits of their labor and drink of you their dreams to achieve the figures required for profitability.
only regret is that in earlier times many young people like us are given their lives so that other generations to live in comfort and the current somnambulism, with hardly arises in it, love nor adequate assessment of their own lives . What a pity!
Once, in an online forum of outstanding professionals, doctors and doctoral students, broke its record of views and comments, and the theme was "The win or should win ($) a student PhD abroad? " this issue, while important for everyone, whether before, we do not of that vicious circle. Unfortunately it will remain for your children and your children's children, because beyond that, is the possibility of achieving happiness in their own lives, and not inherit those hopes for a future generation.

Most unfortunately, I think, that there has been no generation with more tools and weapons to achieve our dreams that the current in the history of mankind. Knowledge, information and participation can be coordinated through a powerful weapon called the Internet through their social networks, however the most important interface, "Self" is faulty.

I do not want to say with pride and with pride, but I feel that what little we have done, I have never felt more welcome at this point in my life, that my desire to fight and try to double hand to the target, despite my mediocrity, my high degree of laziness, only a small delta enough effort to be noticed among so much mediocrity surrounding: The difference, believe me, how I wish that you could feel that sense of fulfillment that I I felt at that time, maybe it's egotistical of me, but do not know how you would like share this happiness with me.
The most serious is that mediocrity is observed in the first instance those who most admired. So what will become of those who still live in mediocrity admirable table of values? Who are they? without being cannon fodder, are slaves to the free market.

just want to encourage them to fight for what you really want, not what you, as society, should have. Everything absolutely everything is still possible, but society will always tell you otherwise, because that goal, office or position looking both somehow be filled, with or without you, it will not matter, it's you who must fight to get it, and I mean a social position, I mean any goal to achieve something, no matter what?: "The effort you make will be the measure of your happiness." No one has been extremely happy to achieve something that deserves or has cost little, I know he is happy when you achieve that dream with a lot of effort in the first instance it seemed impossible or was forbidden to you, you believe that Marco Polo was happy to say "I came, saw and conquered"? I think not, I had high expectations to achieve glory, but well, this did not come as easily as it says history it was not for this cause, but by the countless struggles and adversity that had to overcome to achieve it.

This society is intoxicated with the ease, the successful are those who found it easy to do as they were born with a star on the forehead, and that is no example of happiness, is just maybe "envy" admirable men, idols, idolatry likely, although it may seem, believe they are not happy, only to see the shower of suicide and drug overdose deaths behind them. On the other hand we know that other men have left this world, with absolute conviction having done the necessary, albeit modestly to be happy.
The world is watching, while pass our lives miserable, but that does not, create it, the real success stories, which are in the world are quietly, doing their work quietly, so nobody can disturb and disrupt their happiness, because society, the status quo, not interested to know that there is a door and this is called "Human Scale Development"