January 2011 Editorial
By Hugo Pinaud R.
Director of "CECITEC"
Some ideas put forward by the undersigned after the earthquake of February 2010 have been answered with the activity of the current government.
comment Let's see what the past year: I. - What are the objectives to be met ONEMI according to the State Constitution and internal regulations
plan, promote, coordinate and implement actions for prevention, response and rehabilitation in situations collective risk, emergencies, disasters and disasters caused by natural or human action, through the coordination of the National Civil Protection System to protect people, property and the environment.
Strategic Vision:
contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens, incorporating a better control and / or risk management in the planning for sustainable development, national, regional, provincial and communal levels, mainly in the latter, which constitutes the immediate context of the community and therefore best for the improvement of safety measures and protection of persons, their property and environment.
ONEMI's action is based on the Section 1, Ch. I of the Constitution of the State of Chile, which states:
"... it is the duty of the State to safeguard national security, to protect the population and family ...", which corresponds to the field of Civil Protection, globally defined as "the protection of persons, their property and environment against all risk, whether natural or caused by man, exercised through planning, to consider as fundamental principles for Mutual Aid and Employment Resources Stacking.
The responsibility of national leadership of the Civil Protection in Chile for the Ministry of Interior, which exerts through its specialized service: ONEMI
In the paper are the obligations of ONEMI and must be present in any natural emergency or created by man, but ....
published by the Journal News "The Universe" of Ecuador in relation to the earthquake which struck on 27 February to our Country:
Tsunami earthquake left more dead in Chile
SANTIAGO Monday March 1, 2010
Pelluhue, Chile. The population, about 322 kilometers southwest of Santiago, was almost entirely destroyed by flooding after the earthquake of 8.8.
The Chilean government admitted that the Navy made a mistake in initially ruled a tsunami on the south coast following the earthquake of 8.8 degrees early Saturday February 27, 2010, they finally struck a large area.
"The death toll from the earthquake and tsunami rose to 708 and the figure will probably rise," said former President Michelle Bachelet, who called the situation "an emergency without parallel in the history of Chile" .
Former President recognized that the tsunami caused more casualties than the earthquake. "At least 541 deaths were concentrated in the Maule, whose coastal areas suffered the tsunami," he said.
After the quake, the government ruled out a tsunami on the basis of a "mistake" of diagnosis of the Chilean Navy, but huge waves devastated, just 20 minutes later, a large strip of coastal towns, coves and ports to 400 meters inland, taking hundreds of homes rennet.
"What you saw on the coast, between regions VI and IX (Maule, Bío Bío and La Araucanía) is a tidal wave here and in Burundi, and there was a mistake," said the former Minister Vidal.
"We, the first information we received is that there was no tsunami. And, indeed, when we started finding other sources that were producing variations in sea level, consult for them. They told us (in the Navy) that the variation did not exceed 20 centimeters, "revealed the former director of the National Emergency Office (Onemi), Carmen Fernandez.
Immediately after the earthquake, the former president ruled out the existence of a tsunami and issued a call for calm.
Constitution in the town of wave swept restaurants, pubs, clubs, inns and hotels located off the beach, and according to state television TVN, killed 350 people.
"Everything is gone, saved only what they wore, said one affected, while the TV showed furniture and cars on the beach, and trucks pulled to the top of a hill.
A dozen people missing in the island of Juan Fernandez, 600 km offshore, where a village was razed.
The tsunami swept boats to the docks of the port of Talcahuano and caused waves up to 2 meters in Tonga, New Zealand, Japan and Kuril Islands.
-708 (in reality were fewer deaths) victims was until yesterday afternoon the balance of the earthquake and tsunami Chile, as former President Michelle Bachelet.
-30,000 million dollars in losses, 15% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), leaving the quake.
-3 million euros ($ 4,080,000) is the emergency aid approved by the European Commission (EC).
-1.5 million homes were affected by the earthquake, about half a million of them are uninhabitable.
205,000 euros ($ 278,800) are the resources that the International Federation of Red Cross unlocked its emergency funding for rescue operations after the quake Chile.
Why the collapse of the civil protection ONEMI on February 27, 2010?
In my opinion for 4 reasons:
1) Why is a state agency and state, and all state disagree with quick reality and changing today, are extremely slow and will remain very slow, due to bureaucracy which is its guiding sign.
2) The ONEMI not have given the necessary resources to be a body
Supra national and exclusive reliance of the President of the Republic to bring together all state agencies that deal with an emergency such as having online directly with the Armed Forces to take immediate action to order in the affected areas, this should be done automatically after or during the event of disaster.
3) We lack the resources to be permanently Motorcycles, helicopters, trucks for rapid deployment to disaster areas; Instrumental detection; Media Satellite and economic resources for public education to the community, especially to educational institutions and trained manpower and training excellence to meet the Community
words, only an autonomous body supervised by the Comptroller General of Republic and the President of the Republic. You must also have administrative contact with the Higher Education Agencies that have faculties associated with natural disasters: Institute of Seismology, Energy, Oceanography, among others.
4) Must be an autonomous decentralized agency with offices in every region. There should be a flexible plan to address the realities that exist in a disaster.
Today February 27, 2011, a year of disaster response here:
Present Future National Civil Protection Agency
By Maria Cristina Romero - http://www.lanación.cl/
Blackout Agency
Sebastián Piñera President, in company some of his ministers, signed on Tuesday February 22, 2011 Bill establishing the National System of Emergency and Civil Protection, which created the National Civil Protection Agency, a body that will replace the existing National Emergency Office ( Onemi), an organization that has been harshly criticized for his performance during the earthquake that struck the country last February 27.
On occasion, Piñera said that "today in fulfillment of the commitment of the morning of 27 February, we will submit and sign the bill that creates new governance and modern that collects the best examples and practices of the world "as well as providing more authority and resources to the old body.
Thus, the restructuring of the organization, also provides for the creation of the National Civil Protection, which will advise the Ministry of Interior and Public Security in the development of National Strategy Civil Protection.
addition, the new agency is the National Civil Protection Fund, to finance the activities and initiatives that contribute to reducing risk and achieve an adequate level of preparedness for any emergency.
According to the president, all these changes will allow the agency more "nimble" and can "react in time and not when it is too late warning, will always be prepared" while it will be "effective to accomplish their work to prevent, warn, protect and help our people against natural disasters that we do not know where or when we're going to hit."
For Moreover, the project will strengthen the coordination of institutions, as embodied in the armed forces and police in work related to prevention and emergency preparedness, as well as in regard to the responses to them and aid delivery.
For the Minister of Interior and Public Security, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, who also attended the ceremony, "the new National Civil Protection Agency is going to put the level of developed countries in world, because in Chile we always have the risk of a volcanic emergency, earthquakes or tsunamis. So the first thing we must do as a country, to know that we must prepare and understand what to do when an emergency occurs. "
Among the innovations that come with the new institutions, is the newly opened Early Warning System within the Onemi, which will monitor the various risk scenarios anywhere in the country or abroad and will serve to collect, report and disseminate the emergency alarm to the public and call the authorities to be responsible for evaluating the situation.
At this, the director of the Onemi, Vicente Núñez said that "without doubt one of the greatest challenges is to reach people with a clear and precise message whenever there is need to declare, for example , a process of evacuation, "task that is working through the inclusion of new technologies to ensure efficient information transmission.
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