Monday, March 21, 2011

Victoria Paris-tracy Adams


On Saturday March 26th at 20:30,
.... count on your participation to turn off the light and the great feast of Planet.

This year, we want to be a lot more and show what we can achieve together, sending a clear message to governments to support climate deal definitively that the planet needs.
Earth Hour (LHP / Earth Hour) is the largest campaign worldwide in the fight against climate change and is promoted by WWF, the global conservation organization.
is a public awareness initiative, which seeks the participation of cities, mainly corporations and individuals to turn off their nonessential lights and electrical appliances for one hour dispensable. This great event, which began four years ago in Sydney, Australia, has become commoditized to the point that the last version in March 2010, drew the participation of one billion people in over 4,500 cities in 128 countries. During Earth Hour 2010 is turned off famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, in London, the Empire State of New York, the Alhambra in Granada, the Lost City in Beijing, the Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid, Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, or the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai in Dubai.
In 2009 Chile joined for the first time this major global initiative, which was sponsored by WWF Chile at various levels, adding to public and private actors, as well as civil society, together with partners and volunteers Santiago and Valdivia.
Your support was key to the success of the event, achieved in the capital off buildings such as La Moneda and Torre ENTEL.
In 2010, the devastating earthquake and tsunami that affected much of the country made the national campaign had much less massive in nature, focused mainly on household and personal reflection. Thus, there was called to turn off lights iconic sites.
This year Earth Hour will be held Saturday March 26 between 8:30 and 9:30 pm. As WWF Chile, we hope to exceed all previously done with a larger event that includes all regions of the country with the icons off of buildings and premises, and encourage all Chileans to join also this symbolic gesture.
Hundreds of millions of people around the world will participate and you too can join and make the change.

Beyond an hour

Earth Hour 2011 has a special seal, and will invite people companies and governments around the world, apart from the symbolic act of turning off lights, to commit themselves to a permanent actions to help preserve the environment.
So, join Earth Hour 2011 involves:
• Turn off non-essential lights between 20.30 and 21.30 hours on Saturday 26 March.
• Register and share the stories of actions that benefit the planet on the website
• Keep these actions beyond the sixty minutes that lasts for Earth Hour, making everyday practices .
As stated Andy Ridley, co-founder and executive director of the global campaign, "the rapid growth of Earth Hour, along of these four years has shown that hundreds of millions of people want to do more to protect your planet. "
So, is available in English Hour Beyond the platform that allows participants to share stories of what they are doing or plan to do to make a real difference in your environment all year round.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is It Ok To Wear Long Dress To Cocktail Party


In recent weeks I have been talking about various topics related to the world of publishing in the 2.0 environment and the digital revolution that threatens to move the traditional deep foundations of the sector. Among other issues we have discussed the successful case of Bruno and his novel Nievas "Augmented Reality" , making available to the public free of charge to Internet users in the author's website. One initiative that has become a media boom, with 40,000 downloads of the work through various platforms.

We wanted to talk quietly with Bruno Nieves on these and other issues that may be of interest to all who follow developments the publishing world.

P: First of all, Bruno, is to ask about the origins of your passion for writing. How does a pediatrician to write a futuristic thriller? We would like to know also that literary references when you face the blank sheet.

R: I assure you it is very difficult, even for me , resp onder that question, lol, so you tell me I've always wanted to write, but, for lack of time, initiative and tools, I've been putting off. However, not long after I "converted" to Mac, I found a programa enfocado específicamente a la escritura, llamado Scrivener. Probé la demo y, me gustó tanto, que lo compré inmediatamente. Para aprender a manejarlo, decidí probar a escribir una novela, sólo como una prueba. Se me ocurrió una idea de tres líneas, que empecé a desarrollar. Tras varios meses, ¡tenía cerca de 100.000 palabras escritas!

En cuanto a los referentes, me gustan muchísimos autores; pero los que más me absorben son, sin duda alguna, Stephen King, Michael Crichton, Douglas Preston y Lincoln Child, además del gran maestro, Ken Follet. En cuanto a españoles, siento auténtica devoción por los libros de Juan Gómez-Jurado, I consider the height of the top global bestsellers. Not to mention another teacher, Arturo Perez Reverte e, and this new wave of authors who have done many hours I lose, as Javier Sierra, Matilde Asensi and, of course, Manel Loureiro. are muc hos!

Q: In your novel is detailed scientific experiments seem futuristic, but that may be the order of the day in less time than we think. The protagonist of your work is a physician and computer scientist, a true love of technology and art equipment. Are you very que ver con tu personaje? Creo que tú también eres un auténtico geek...

R: Curiosamente, los experimentos que se nombran en Realidad Aumentada… ¡no tienen nada de ciencia ficción, al contrario de lo que muchos piensan! Esa parte es completamente real. Hoy en día existe tecnología de sobra para realizar ese tipo de desarrollos, como me han demostrado muchos lectores, enviándome webs y vídeos donde se ven trabajos similares a los descritos en el libro, aunque a una escala menor. Eso sí, estoy seguro de que el proyecto del libro, se está desarrollando en algún sitio. Como ves, la ciencia ficción de la novela… está en otra parte, lol.

The protagonist, Jacob Assavar, it is clear that you "dress" with a lot of me, as a personality and hobbies ... But this also happens c on the rest of the characters! In the case of Jacob, the supporters of the technology itself that is shared with the author ... Not only is unable to leave home without feeling the weight of your Macbook Pro to the back or the surface of the iPhone in your pocket, but these devices are of great importance in the development of the story ... how could it be otherwise way!

P: The work has a frenzied pace, almost cinematic, engaging the reader from the first moment. Would you like to see the work on screen, whether for film or television? If so, do you involve directly in the project?

R: Ugh, makes my hair stand on end to hear that! But I think we must be careful ... If you have a fairly rapid pace, it's just because I love this type of novel, so typical of Michael Crichton and Douglas Preston. I think they are the area lment catch the reader. As a film adaptation, of course I would love to, but it sounds so distant and unreal that I can not imagine it, lol. Implications? It would be mandatory. First, by sheer restlessness and curiosidad. Y segundo, porque creo que la novela juega mucho con los pensamientos y sentimientos de los personajes, sobre todo el protagonista. Y eso es tan sumamente difícil de adaptar al cine, que creo que sería necesario trabajar, codo con codo, con director, guionistas e incluso actores. ¡Vamos, que como me dejen, la hago yo entera, jajaja!

P: Tu iniciativa está siendo uno de los asuntos más comentados en el ciberespacio literario en las últimas semanas. Sabemos la dificultad actual para que las agencias y/o editoriales se fijen en un escritor novel pero, ¿cómo surgió la idea de publicar tu novela a través de la Red? ¿Qué ha supuesto para ti la espectacular response of thousands of readers?

R: The truth is that, today, I am awed by the spectacular response. The idea began to emerge, as usual, in the most innocent. As the famous received negative responses from publishers and agencies, commented, jokingly, that the novel will find its place, alone. And I started to say that if necessary, the gift online. The fact is that, as remarked on family and friends , always told me it was a good idea. And eventually, I started thinking that it was.

Now, just two months after it hung, I'm delighted. Forty thousand downloads, over a thousand fans on Facebook and, more importantly, the countless emails and tokens of affection from those who have read it, not to mention the wonderful people I've known these weeks. That is what has more value, no doubt, of this initiative.

P: An audience that not only have downloaded the novel by the famous "all free", but have read in many cases by computer, and also leave you glowing praise and feedback through private messaging or through social networks. Are you surprised that enthusiasm?

R: What if I ha sorprendido? ¡Aún tiemblo al recordar algunos de los mensajes! Hay quien me ha contado que es lo primero que se han leído en la pantalla de un ordenador, porque no podían dejar de hacerlo; una chica, ciega, la convirtió para pode r leerla con un dispositivo especial, y me escribió para darme las gracias por haberla colgado gratis; y otro que me emocionó especialmente fue un chico, que me dijo que… ¡se había aficionado a leer gracias a ella! Eso, por no hablar de las personas que me han ayudado con las correcciones (dos de ellas, Amparo Luque y José María de Haro, han revisado la obra entera, por ejemplo). Cuando conoces las historias de las personas que están detrás the figures, those thousands of downloads, is when you realize how far reaching pu ede something you've done. And that is something that goes so deep, that makes all the hours of work, and all the negative comments received, do not weigh anything in the computation of this. I think putting the novel on the Internet has been one of the best things I've done in my life, and I assure you there are many that I'm very happy.

P: The work had been widely disseminated, and has even talked about it in various media, though perhaps to also participate recently in the initiative created by Juan Gómez Jurado's "1libro1euro" , for Save The Children, has managed to take off even more. What can you tell about this platform?

R: What little I can say about it, obviously, can only be fascinating. Is an initiative have launched their own Internet, supported by technology and social networks (in this case, Twitter). In it, I was lucky to be in the beginning, no less than by Juan Gómez-Jurado (God's Spy), and Manel Loureiro (Rev. Z). Now there are more authors, and each day that passes over me proud to be one of them, seeing the overwhelming response of people are using it. But if all this le añades el que su finalidad (lo más importante) es ayudar a una ONG enfocada a los niños, entonces es cuando te das cuenta de que, en este día a día tan gris de nuestras vidas, un par de clics de ratón pueden hacer mucho más que un ejército de tanques. Y no sabes lo gratificante que puede resultar contribuir a algo tan importante. Lástima que aún quede tanto por hacer…

P: Aparte del tuyo, en estos días se habla también del caso de Amanda Hocking, que ha vendido casi un millón de libros a través de Amazon sin editorial que la respaldara, u otro parecido en nuestro propio país, donde “El bolígrafo de gel verde” empezó su particular periplo a través de Internet antes de conseguir editorial. ¿Está el futuro en estas tendencias o ya es el presente más rabioso?

R: Agradezco las comparaciones, pero creo que en ambos casos esos libros han demostrado muchísimo más que el mío. El libro de Eloy Moreno ha conseguido dar el «gran salto», gracias a su gran narrativa, la genial historia que cuenta y, sobre todo, su trabajo e insistencia. He tenido la suerte de leerlo y comentarle a Eloy no sólo lo que me ha gustado, sino lo mucho que me ha hecho pensar. Algo que, como él mismo me dijo, era su intención. Pues lo consigue. De Amanda, aún no he podido leer su libro (pero lo haré, para something I have my Amazon account), but output, one can only applaud their success, even before knowing the work.

I obviously think that these cases can no longer be considered isolated, much less a thing of the future, luck or science fiction. Only Hocking, it alone, and is billing more than many publishers. I'm sure more than one agent is going berserk. But considering that it already happened to JK Rowling or Stephen King himself should not be surprised. What should surprise us is that a few years ago was very difficult to find a King or Rowling, but now the authors are in the network, available to all the world, just a few clicks away. If agents and publishers do not find them in time, because they are not putting this up knowing that the authors have been able to engage itself ... Although I know that some are doing themselves and finally homework. The question is, will arrive on time?

P: imagine that your original intention was to get to know the general public, a fact that has achieved a great success. But fear that this digital awakening even more suspicious then the traditional publishers when betting on a new author or otherwise, will be a real editorial letter with which to take the plunge?

R: I think it is too early to draw any conclusion. Forty thousand downloads in just over two months is a lot, but I always say it's just a number. To me much more passionate people who are there, the "other side", which are what you write and tell you, transmitiéndote feelings and back at you from what you have given to them. However, agencies and publishers, of course, move numbers, as criteria of profitability, marketability, etc. Some will see my presence on the Internet as something positive, but others certainly see it as negative. The problem probably lies in this "revolution Digital "is going too fast, and many were not prepared for it. The trouble is that a handful of those "not-ready" remain, to date, convincing their bosses and colleagues that these are isolated incidents and that the current model will still last many years. And they are right eye. Your problem will be that there are others who do are seeing the change. And, without being big or known to date, and are building in their homes or in their offices, the way forward. Nothing would make me happier than knowing that my story can have helped to put a small stone on that path.

P: Whether this novel in particular, or in other works in which you work or have in mind, could you explain briefly how to face the face the development of the story and characters, the daily life of every writer worth his salt. Do you plan plots, subplots and characters, with a default script before attacking the blank? Or do you have an idea in mind, which unfolds as you type and it takes you perceive as unexplored paths as the characters take their own life story growing up?

R: My experience so far is simple, because it reduces ... a novel! To be completely honest, one and a half, since I'm writing the second. And, since even I have not given the "great leap", I do not know if I am just one example of how to write a novel ... In both books I have followed the same technique: search for a topic that I liked writing and see if he could tell an interesting story . In both cases, the stories can be summarized in just three lines. Then, I developed a draft or a script, in the case of the latter, has been much longer than in Augmented Reality, as its plot is much more complex. Then, once developed the basic plot, I write, little by little, scene by scene. Normally, when you write these, you realize that things would be better otherwise. Or characters that should be otherwise. Or that there are whole sections that do not match, and you have to discard or replace. As for the characters is easy to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you expect of them. However, it is not uncommon as you go on writing ... they will surprise you! They do react differently to the ones you expect in a scene, and you see that fit better. Therefore, you might get to change the fate of the character and history ... because of a reaction of one of them!
see, at least for me, is a fascinating process, lively, complex and challenging that ultimately ends up being a drug really "hard" and difficult to disengage ...

P: Por último, nos gustaría saber si “Realidad aumentada” va a tener continuación en una segunda parte o si estás trabajando en algún otro proyecto. Y por supuesto, siéntete en plena libertad para añadir lo que creas conveniente, sea para tus lectores, presentes o futuros, o los responsables de la industria editorial.

R: Es cierto que "Realidad Aumentada" tiene un final muy peculiar y sorprendente, que, por cierto, tuve claro desde la primera línea. Pero, a pesar de lo que muchos lectores me preguntan o sugieren, es una historia cerrada. En teoría no está pensada para tener una continuación, aunque, quién sabe, ojalá one day there was a "groundswell" so immense that the end had to write it, lol.

Yes I'm working on another project. It's a thriller, with just science fiction (although it appears a lot of technology, of course), set between New York's September 11, 2010, and Auschwitz in 1945. Is much broader and ambitious Augmented Reality in every way, and in fact it is costing me more time and effort writing it. My biggest fear, of course, lies in the day, in any manner whatsoever, may reach around the world ... and not like, I'll shoot, hahaha! No, seriously, I hope you can complete a good book that really like to decide to lend your time to read. That, after all, is the most valuable thing a person has.

Thanks for everything, Bruno. A pleasure to have chatted with you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Navy Blue Couch With White Piping

IAMX - Volatile Times (2011)

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Mount A Sacrificial Anode To A Boat



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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Witty Comments For A Wedding

"CIRCLE Alchemist, Paco Gomez CLERK

had yet to speak in more depth than the first novel published by Paco Gómez Escribano, not the first written. The suggestive title, "The alchemical circle" , and should get our attention, but for those who were fortunate enough to attend your presentation interesting in Madrid, could not find the right time to sink his teeth into the work after know the genesis of the novel.

After admiring the careful editing of the book by the editorial Ledoria , we fully immerse ourselves in history. It all begins when the restoration work carried out in the Cathedral of Toledo, a strange sixteenth-century fresco called the attention of connoisseurs. The Archbishop turns to the UNED and Universidad Carlos sends a teacher to work alongside the canon of the cathedral to try to unravel the hidden mysteries that cool.

Around this restoration will bring together a range of diverse characters: the sister of Carlos and his friend Reham, arrivals from Germany, the detective John Turner, contratado a su pesar por un mafioso italoamericano que busca su particular panacea; el inefable padre José Luis, el misterioso Boris y toda una serie de secundarios de lujo que engrandecen aún más la trama.

Al restaurar la obra pictórica y disfrutar de todo su esplendor los protagonistas descubren que encierra en su interior una poderosísima simbología alquímica. Tras hablar con expertos y estudiar el cuadro a fondo descubren extrañas relaciones entre ese fresco y otros perdidos en lejanas tierras. Sus investigaciones, entre lo terrenal y lo esotérico, les llevarán a viajar a El Cairo y Jerusalén, donde siguen encontrando las pistas que les permitirán cerrar su particular círculo alquímico una Upon returning to Toledo.

The characters, for better or for worse, will be affected in different ways on this journey of initiation that goes far beyond what we had expected. The characters run into friendship and love, but also deceit or blackmail. Discover that the ancient alchemy was not only in the quest for the Holy Grail of the time, the transmutation of metals to get gold. Know that the secret hidden in the cool holds a double truth, that everyone can achieve, if properly prepared, the royal road to his own transmutation.

This novel was defined by Pedro de Paz as an occult thriller, pero la obra de Paco Gómez Escribano es un verdadero crisol de géneros: aventuras, espías, novela negra y policíaca, de viajes, e incluso trascendental y filosófica. El autor, como confesó en su presentación, escribía en cada momento lo que le apetecía leer, consiguiendo crear un conjunto armonioso donde todo está bien trenzado hasta ese final en el que cada uno obtiene lo que realmente anhela.

El autor ha desarrollado un arduo trabajo de documentación que vemos plasmado de manera magistral en las descripciones artísticas que salpican la trama. Dan ganas de perderse en la catedral de Toledo o en el Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalén tras poder evocar las imágenes de tan bellos lugares leyendo esos pasajes. Recreaciones interesantes de los personajes, cada uno con su propia personalidad. En algunos casos arrolladora, como la del padre José Luis, el mejor cicerone que puede uno encontrar si tiene que viajar a algún sitio.

Los diálogos son fluidos y la trama se lee con placer, sin perder el interés en ningún momento. Destacan también los paseos de los personajes por las diferentes ciudades en las que transcurre la historia, donde podemos perdernos en un zoco árabe buscando una pista o degustar unas típicas gachas que le hacen la boca agua al más pintado. Un acierto que humaniza aún más a los personajes, ayudándonos a meternos de lleno en la novela.

En definitiva una obra redonda y highly recommended that we leave a great taste, hoping that the successful debut of its author is only the beginning of a long literary career. something

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Liturgical Dance Clothes For A Wedding


The world's most common person is male, is 28 years old and Chinese, in short, is a Chinese 28-year-old. But that's not all, of them are like 9 million of them but thanks to an analysis of photographs of these people might find that the most common and typical person in the world, should have this face:

Well, that according to National Geographic. Here's the video where he explains how he comes to this and other findings.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cubefield Level 10 Game


After a few days away from blogging because of a minor surgical procedure for which I am recovering smoothly, back to our virtual space willing to share with you many new stories. And is that the publishing industry is turbulent, although I see seems to look with better eyes the times in which we operate.

As you recall, we discussed a few weeks ago at the entrance "Renew or die" some of the hottest aspects of landscape editorial con respecto a las nuevas tendencias y a la revolución digital que amenaza con llevarnos a todos por delante. Creo recordar que al final del debate, en alguno de los comentarios de respuesta, os hablaba de la última iniciativa de Juan Gómez Jurado.

Todo surgió por el guante que le lanzó al escritor un famoso cantante de Moratalaz afincado en Miami. Le retó a poner gratis en Internet alguna de sus obras y el escritor no se amilanó. Al contrario. Creo una nueva plataforma, 1Libro1Euro , y colgó allí su primera novela gratis, con la condición de que el internauta donase la voluntad a la ONG SaveTheChildren en un botón habilitado para ello. La respuesta was brutal.

With the help of his followers in improved social networking websites, to which new titles have been added in recent days, and it gave way in the nose to the aforementioned singer. The initiative spread to speed through cyberspace and the idea struck a match we do not know where it will end. Internet users also want to show that not all of them are pirates, and that another scenario is possible. The result: more than 40,000 euros collected and climbing ...

Another book that has been attached to this platform is Augmented Reality, Bruno Nieves. We also talked about him on the previous occasion. The boom of the web donde ofrece gratis su novela ante la negativa de las editoriales, también ha tenido una amplia repercusión. Lleva más de 37.000 descargas y no parece tener límite. Aunque como dice su autor, de momento no tiene ninguna propuesta seria de editorial alguna para publicar, aunque haya obtenido tan espectaculares cifras en poco más de un mes.

Yo me descargué la novela y, aunque me la estoy leyendo directamente del ordenador hasta que decida si me compro o no el ereader, he de decir que es un thriller que me está gustando mucho, se lee muy bien. Así que ya sabéis, si os gustan las historias de intriga en un ambiente futurista, acudid a su web y descargaros el archivo que más os complazca.

Ayer vi other news related to this topic in the blog of Rios Harvey. Can a successful freelance author on the Web without editorial support it? In the United States think so. One author, Amanda Hocking, is selling thousands of copies of their books at little cost on Amazon. We do not know if it will be because of viral marketing, but surely we all love to even reach a fraction of the paid downloads you're getting this young writer. Know if this would be extrapolated to the English market, but makes you raise a lot. By the way, Amazon has already landed in England, France and Germany. But when will the American giant to our country?

As proof that things can start to change in the English digital market is nothing better than to prove the success of Lorenzo Silva on his arrival in the world of ebooks. For those who do not know, in the magnificent Blog Lorenzo Silva announced recently that all his work will be scanned to be sold at a very affordable digital platform Leqtor, prior to including other distributors in the industry.

Lorenzo took time behind this idea and think you have to applaud their achievements. After struggling much, sticking with agents, publishers and intermediaries to set different margins, you The reader raises an interesting dilemma surfer. All his novels, as we know unna proven quality at a price less than 5 euros. In fact, most of his books are sold 4.99 euros and the package with the six books of the complete saga Bevilacqua and Chamorro is available for the modest price of 14.99 euros. And no DRM!

The answer in this case has not been long in coming. Absolute success. Within days, the top ten best sellers on the website of Leqtor , are eight works by Lorenzo Silva. Literary quality, sensibly priced and easy to download in one click. Perhaps it was the solution. Hopefully publishers take good note and finally, now, this is the beginning of real change.

You see, a few days full of news. And entrepreneurs of this country, putting the batteries rapidly. Still emerging new platforms in the 2.0 environment, the interacting with the world. A Hispanic Netflix called Filmin where you can buy low-cost independent film premieres to view them with high quality streaming. Or Web 24Symbols , it takes time announcing his imminent arrival and launch of its beta, similar to Spotify's books. And sure, just around the corner, we always find, with nice surprises.

whole world of possibilities is true. And we are in the same heart, seeing as everything changes around us. We can also do our bit to improve any of these initiatives. Or to find new and better that will lead to success. It's in our hands.

To be consistent with the technological maelstrom I wanted to make some changes to the design blog. After sticking with several websites and the source code of blogger I managed to place (though you may have to change the site) button to share these entries in Twitter . This button appears at the beginning of each entry, top left and is visible as you enter the blog. I have also added two buttons Facebook , the sharing and the "Like", but those are only visible when you click on the title of the post to enter it. Give it a try and if any problems do not hesitate to discuss it.

And of course, in the end I too have given up, opening a Twitter profile that I invite you to visit and follow. I'm still starting on it, valuing its enormous possibilities, but I think it is a powerful promotional tool. In fact I weeks reading and viewing various online marketing topics, and I think it's a very interesting topic. Perhaps the key to our future success. Ah, on the right side of this blog under the blogs that I also see a small plugin with my latest tweets. You have to be trendy, you know.

for me just add that, due to various circumstances, my literary output is slightly stuck, but I do not lack ideas. The rejections know that we become stronger, building from within a thick shell that insulates us from abroad, hoping that this devastating storm abates called crisis. And working, improving, waiting for the moment. You may be just around the corner ...

I can only hope to your comments and opinions about to start an interesting debate which I hope will leave little to the previous, which had record visits and comments. Meanwhile, my mind coming up with new projects that will help me jump right into this exciting battle that we can deliver keystroke and mouse.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rash Face Early Pregnancy


Humans are very concerned about what might happen during the active period of the Sun (2011 to 2021 approx., Is a period of 11 years), we consider it a threat to our survival on the face of the planet. However, part of the problems that could lead to this cycle # 24 is because we did not care much our precious planet: a damaged ozone layer, global warming begins, loss of biodiversity, the indiscriminate felling of green planet. View articles from the blog of seismology and Bulletin of the Center in February 2011.
I show one more in the way that the "civilized homo sapiens is the species that live on land

1. DENMARK: "Shame, that plague, the man is the most predatory and destructive animal that can be .... BY THE WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE .....`` OUR LEADERS DOING THAT HORROR ``

The sea turns red, but not due to climate effects of nature.
is due to the cruelty that human beings ("be civilized?) Kill hundreds of whales Dolphins famous and most intelligent.
All this happens year after year in the Faroe Island in Denmark, the slaughter involved mainly young people.

Globe Theatre Model Template

???.... Because

To demonstrate that these same young people have already reached an age "adult" achieve maturity.
regularly A celebration not to miss one kick on "fun."
all involved in one way or another, killing or watching cruelty "endorsing it as a spectator."
worth mentioning that the bottlenose dolphins, like almost all other species of dolphins, about the only man to interact and play with it as a gesture of friendship.
So humans play: everything ended up spoiling either violently or destructively. Even the craziest that allows us to nature.
They do not die instantly, are penetrated again and again with sharp hooks, at the time the dolphin makes sounds so much like a baby crying ...
But there is suffering and compassion until it be docile slowly bleeds and suffers from terrible wounds to fight and die in his own blood.
Finally these heroes of the island are now full-fledged reasonable adults, and have demonstrated their maturity.
Human beings have the power to perform heroic and benevolent acts for the good of humanity and all living things, but unfortunately this ability too often twists and takes on a hue vile, bloody and infamous.
Today I stumbled upon a story that reflects once again the disgusting actions of people and like many, on reading has taken me a feeling of great depression and impotence.
Each spring the sea that washes the shores of the Faroe Islands in Denmark, stained with blood by a pure act of savagery and cruelty.
The "boys" of the island are responsible for killing a hundred docile and inquisitive pilot whales (endangered species) that at that time of year are usually close to the coast.
While this case is the mood of the atrocities carried out by Japan, Norway, Iceland and many other countries that are considered to infringe the right of all living, care less about the preservation of endangered species and environmental equilibrium. Nor is it justifiable.
The economy of the Faroe Islands, its geography is based largely on the export and use of this whale meat but this does not give rise to barbarism and brutality of the killing or on the free operation of an animal risk.
indeed a very painful fact must find quick solution.

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After Japan announced it would advance the end of their hunting season, Conservation Center Cetacean said "it's time to redouble diplomatic efforts and global citizenship to finally stop this irrational and very old practice. "Ecoceanos While conservationists said that countries should move to modernize the IWC and to end loopholes that allow the killing of whales.

Santiago de Chile, 16 February 2011 (Ecoceanos / CCC) - The Center for Cetacean Conservation and Ecoceanos held on Wednesday announced the Japanese government to stop its whaling operations in southern sea waters, but announced that it is necessary to move towards full compliance with the moratorium and sanctuaries for whales.
suspended Japanese whalers operating in Antarctica as a result of pressure from environmental groups and then American governments raise a formal letter to Japan, urging him not to continue using the loophole of "hunting science "to kill whales.
The Japanese announcement came a day after Chile's Navy said it would keep watch on the whaling ship Nisshin Maru which unexpectedly changed its course to head towards the Antarctic Peninsula, near the waters of our country.

spokesman for the Fisheries Agency of Japan announced that the whaling factory ship "Nisshin Maru" paralyzed their catches on 10 February by security before the "aggressive practices" of the conservation group Sea Shepherd. At present it is considered the return of three other ships of the whaling fleet with a total crew of 180 sailors who captured cetaceans in waters of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
face of this suspension of whaling, Elsa Cabrera Cetacean Conservation Center (CCC) from the island of Chiloé, Chile, noted that "it is time that countries Conservationists redouble its diplomatic efforts and global citizenship demands the closure of the whaling in line with the moratorium adopted by the majority of IWC members 25 years ago. In the 21st century is unacceptable Japan abusive behavior towards the conservation of marine species and governance of the Antarctic. "
Meanwhile Ecoceanos Juan Carlos Cardenas, said that" what has happened in Antarctic waters close to Chile, shows that only a strong will to fight of citizen organizations has led Japan to retreat temporarily. We hope that Latin American countries and the Caribbean achieved before the next meeting of the International Whaling Commission, take concrete actions to which it has been the last season of the Nisshin Maru Antarctica, and to close existing loopholes that allow the urgent modernization of the IWC. "
Meanwhile, Cosme Caracciolo, the National Confederation of Artisanal Fishermen of Chile (Conapach) said "Cosme" temporary cessation of operations of "scientific whaling" in Japan in Antarctic waters, is the clearest evidence of the weakening of this destructive industry, making clear the visionary achievement that meant the absolute prohibition hunting in Chilean waters by Law 20,293 of 2008, the result of a citizens' campaign "Chile 2008, Whale Sanctuary," which led Conapach next to the Conservation Center and Center Cetacea Ecoceanos "

INTERNATIONAL REJECTION begins to bear fruit

Whaling reported to Tokyo shares constant criticism and rejection of international public opinion, which included a complaint from Australia to the International Criminal Court The Hague and the strong statement of rejection of the Latin American bloc and Caribbean grouped in the "Buenos Aires Group" to hide, under assumptions for scientific whaling, purely commercial motivations.
In recent years, the Japanese operations in southern sanctuary waters have been complicated by progressive pressure vessels from the anti-whaling activists, which led to the irritation of the Japanese government.
spokesman Minister of Japan, Yukio Edan, today deplored the stonewalling against the issuing "scientific" and said Japan will call on other nations to take action against him. Japan, Iceland and Norway are the only countries that continue to hunt whales. The country carried out since 1987 expeditions to the Antarctic waters under the scientific interest of course, by the Institute of Cetacean Research. Japan abandoned commercial whaling in 1986 due to the implementation of an international moratorium. However, a year after hunting resumed operations under a program for scientific purposes, taking advantage of existing loopholes in the International Whaling Commission (IWC), to the skepticism and criticism of countries and environmental organizations.


The whale meat consumption has been falling steadily in Japan. In 2009 only 4,200 tons were sold, compared with 230,000 tonnes in 1962. This has meant high reserves of stored whale meat in Japan, last August reached a record of more than 6000 tons. All this demonstrates the lack of the Japanese people by the consumption of whale meat.
Of the thousand whales that Japan is self imposed as annual hunting quota has been progressively reduced to little more than 500 minke whales and fin whales 2008 as 507 minke whales caught in 2010, 60 percent of its goal, having suspended the expedition for 31 days due to pressure from environmental fleet of Sea Shepherd.

6 Inch Alphabet Blocks

A grain of sand in the desert .... .....

"Look at that point. That's here. That's home. That's us. It is everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you've heard of, every human being who ever was, lived their lives. "
These beautiful words belong to Carl Sagan referring to the historic Earth Photography taken by the Voyager spacecraft 1 to a distance of 6,000 million miles.
published in the photograph above you can see a picture comparison between Earth and the Sun

Card Wordings For A Mother To Be

solar flare of February 14 ......

Sol image taken by NASA February 15

Why solar flare of February 14 did not cause chaos on Earth.

All energy delivered by the Sun went off innocently towards the poles of the Earth.
02/2011 REUTERS

was a simple matter of luck. Aligned magnetic field so that all the energy sent by the Sun went off innocently towards the poles of the Earth. If the relative angle of the two fields (the solar particles and Earth) would have been different, things would have been able to get very ugly for us. Now, once the danger, scientists look to the future with concern. The "Valentine's Day Storm" was only the first of a solar cycle, number 24, which has just started and expected much more active than the last. It is estimated that in the coming months, there will be no less than 1,700 solar storms of equal or greater intensity that left us last week miraculously unscathed.
On 14 February, just in time for Valentine's probe SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) spacecraft witnessed a powerful solar flare that was aimed directly at Earth. The spacecraft's instruments detected a massive flare of class X, the most powerful few are able to deliver the Sun and the largest detected during the last four years.
Astronomers prepared for the impact of a large geomagnetic storm and experts on "solar weather predicted that jets of charged particles from the Astro King would hit against destabilizing Earth's magnetic field communication systems and navigation half day in the world.

Many Northern Lights

However, with the exception of some problems in China's satellite networks, none of that happened. There was, yes, a spectacular array of northern lights, but to see them had to be as far north as Alaska, Canada or Finland. In fact, the geomagnetic storm generated by the solar flare of February 14, barely reached the G1 category on the scale of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the lowest for this class of phenomena. The maximum score, G5, applies to geomagnetic storms of extreme force, capable of "frying" in a few seconds the power grids and cause the northern lights over southern Florida.
But what exactly happened to it looked like a raging beast suddenly be transformed into a harmless puppy weather?
We are not yet able to say how strong is a geomagnetic storm until the moment it occurs.
The experts are clear. The storm was so weak because the magnetic field lines of the solar flare were aligned in parallel with the earth's field. When the sun sends, as it did on October 14, a huge mass of hot plasma into our world (which is called a coronal mass ejection), the particles that compose it have its own magnetic field, independent of the Earth or the sun itself turns out that astronomers today are unable to determine the direction of the magnetic field of the plasma until the moment of impact with Earth.
If the magnetic field of the plasma jet turns out, as was last week, parallel to the Earth, charged particles from the Sun will be blocked by the natural magnetic shield of the Earth and can not penetrate through the magnetosphere. However, identical to a flare that occurred on Valentine's Day, but with a magnetic field perpendicular to ours, would have caused a storm infinitely stronger.
"If the plasma's magnetic field is parallel to ours," says climate expert Juha-Pekka Luntama space, European Space Agency, then the arms are raised and we will be well protected. " But next time might not be so lucky as to its lineup.

There will be many "next times"

And there will certainly not one but many "next times." Indeed, it is expected that over the coming months to produce at least 1,700 geomagnetic storms like last week. A number that will increase as the sun advances in its new cycle of activity.

Big solar periods of violence that can last eleven years.

The storm of last week was only the first of this new solar cycle, number 24, which has just begun. As scientists well know, the sun alternating periods of calm with great violence in other periods (or cycles) that last eleven years. And the last minimum of solar activity (which just leave) has been much longer and quieter than usual, which has provided us with several years of deceptive calm.
few years, by the way, during which our dependence on technology has increased exponentially, leaving much more defenseless against events capable of disrupting communications and disable the power plants of almost all our civilization depends.
So, experts are now more nervous than ever about the solar maximum is coming and it will reach its peak between 2012 and 2014. The last peak occurred in 2000, and then society depended much less than systems now capable of being out of action due to a solar flare stronger than average.

Prepare best

no choice, therefore, best be prepared for what is to come. As said Jane Lubchenco, head of NOAA, during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), held last Saturday in Washington, "It's not a question of if will happen, but when it will happen and how strong will. "
The solar flare takes between ten and twenty minutes to reach.
know, for example, that when a solar flare like the last 14 days can expect from the Sun several "waves" different particles. The first comes almost immediately and at nearly the speed of light. It takes between ten and twenty minutes to reach and does so in the form of high-energy protons can penetrate the Earth's magnetic field through polar regions. This first "advance" has the potential to disrupt satellite communications.
But that's just the beginning. If the solar flare was strong enough, can lead to a coronal mass ejection, a dense plasma cloud millions of degrees and, depending on its intensity, it can take to reach the Earth between 18 hours and three days. When the plasma jet encounters the Earth's magnetic field and the orientation of its magnetic field is adequate, penetrates through it and because, by induction, intense electric currents that can damage, even destroy, our power plants, causing blackouts and power cuts.

Shields able to withstand a surge.

Currently, satellites are modern and equipped with shields can withstand the first wave of solar radiation, and emergency shutdown systems for shutting off completely until the danger has passed. But it is necessary to arbitrate also systems that can do the same with terrestrial power plants if necessary.
The network of surveillance satellites and study of the sun is steadily growing and, at present, can give us about twenty hours of time to react. If we are to avoid disaster and to practically impossible to defend against such phenomena, we should be able, at least, every time you disconnect and wait for the storm to pass ...

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Scientists warn of the possibility of a solar storm "catastrophic" ... EDITORIAL

Photo NASA: Sun, last Feb. 13.

The phenomenon has the power to stop , at one stroke, with the technology of the modern world.

José Manuel Nieves / Madrid

Experts are, this time, all agreed. As a geomagnetic storm that occurred on Earth on Tuesday is not an isolated phenomenon. And despite that we hit last week, so far the most powerful of the current solar cycle, had no major consequences in future cases might not be so lucky. A similar phenomenon, in fact, has the power to finish, one stroke, with the modern world's technological society.
A solar storm enough strong, in fact, could destabilize, even catastrophically, much of our technology. The modern world, many experts said on Saturday during the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), rely heavily on the satellite network. Shipping and air transport, synchronization between computers, telecommunications networks, GPS systems, electronics of all kinds ... Technologies, all of them extremely vulnerable to "change time" space.
The consequences would be disastrous if a large solar storm, for the network of satellites orbiting Earth many of which would be literally "scorched" but also for power plants worldwide, which sit idle transformers causing power cuts of electricity that could last weeks or even months.

Waiting for the big storm

The storm of last Tuesday is the beginning of a situation which, according to scientists, can only get worse. In fact, we are hardly at the beginning of the current solar cycle is expected that the activity of the sun is going increasingly intense over the next eleven years.
"It's not a question of whether it will - said Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, but when it will happen and how strong will. The last time we had a maximum in the solar cycle, about ten years ago, the world was a very different place. Today mobile phones are everywhere. It is also true that before had, but it depended on them for so many different things. "
For this expert, "many of the things we take for granted and now rely much guaranteed over space weather during the last solar maximum. "Despite the risk, experts admit that, at present, very little can be done to predict potentially dangerous solar storms. What we should do is to" shield "in some form networks and power plants, doing something that allows us, in case of alarm, quickly extinguish the most sensitive areas until the danger passes.

"The problem is the reliance on GPS »

" Please do not panic - said by Meanwhile Stephan Lechner, Director of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - overacting would only worsen the situation. "For this expert, the root of the modern world's vulnerability is its dependence on global positioning systems or GPS without which it would not be possible sea and air, and the synchronization of computer networks and electronic equipment.
"GPS has helped us on Saturday," said Lechner, but we also created a new unit "ranging from aerospace to digital production of radio and TV, financial services and government agencies. In Europe alone, he said, there are 200 telecommunications operators and "none of them are standardized."

impossible to prevent

Given the current inability to prevent a solar storm capable of causing the disaster, the world's governments should develop strategies for cooperation enable them to share all your vital information, thus anticipating the local damage that storm could cause. Unfortunately, despite the current deployment of resources, we still do not know when devastating storm that could occur.
"Currently, for his part said Juha-Pekka Luntama, European Space Agency, we can not say whether there will be a big storm in the next six months, but we can say that all the conditions for that storm occurs. "
On Tuesday, a large solar flare, the most detected in the last five years, sent to Earth a huge stream of charged plasma particles at a speed of 900 km per second. The eruption was in class X, the most powerful of which is capable of Sun, produced some spectacular auroras and destabilized communications, but its effects are almost exclusively confined to latitudes north of our planet.
"You would think - Luntama said," that this time we were well protected. It turns out that magnetic fields were aligned in parallel, so it was not too much. If it were not so, things would have been very different " .