After a few days away from blogging because of a minor surgical procedure for which I am recovering smoothly, back to our virtual space willing to share with you many new stories. And is that the publishing industry is turbulent, although I see seems to look with better eyes the times in which we operate.
As you recall, we discussed a few weeks ago at the entrance "Renew or die" some of the hottest aspects of landscape editorial con respecto a las nuevas tendencias y a la revolución digital que amenaza con llevarnos a todos por delante. Creo recordar que al final del debate, en alguno de los comentarios de respuesta, os hablaba de la última iniciativa de Juan Gómez Jurado.
Todo surgió por el guante que le lanzó al escritor un famoso cantante de Moratalaz afincado en Miami. Le retó a poner gratis en Internet alguna de sus obras y el escritor no se amilanó. Al contrario. Creo una nueva plataforma, 1Libro1Euro , y colgó allí su primera novela gratis, con la condición de que el internauta donase la voluntad a la ONG SaveTheChildren en un botón habilitado para ello. La respuesta was brutal.
With the help of his followers in improved social networking websites, to which new titles have been added in recent days, and it gave way in the nose to the aforementioned singer. The initiative spread to speed through cyberspace and the idea struck a match we do not know where it will end. Internet users also want to show that not all of them are pirates, and that another scenario is possible. The result: more than 40,000 euros collected and climbing ...
Another book that has been attached to this platform is Augmented Reality, Bruno Nieves. We also talked about him on the previous occasion. The boom of the web donde ofrece gratis su novela ante la negativa de las editoriales, también ha tenido una amplia repercusión. Lleva más de 37.000 descargas y no parece tener límite. Aunque como dice su autor, de momento no tiene ninguna propuesta seria de editorial alguna para publicar, aunque haya obtenido tan espectaculares cifras en poco más de un mes.
Yo me descargué la novela y, aunque me la estoy leyendo directamente del ordenador hasta que decida si me compro o no el ereader, he de decir que es un thriller que me está gustando mucho, se lee muy bien. Así que ya sabéis, si os gustan las historias de intriga en un ambiente futurista, acudid a su web y descargaros el archivo que más os complazca.
Ayer vi other news related to this topic in the blog of Rios Harvey. Can a successful freelance author on the Web without editorial support it? In the United States think so. One author, Amanda Hocking, is selling thousands of copies of their books at little cost on Amazon. We do not know if it will be because of viral marketing, but surely we all love to even reach a fraction of the paid downloads you're getting this young writer. Know if this would be extrapolated to the English market, but makes you raise a lot. By the way, Amazon has already landed in England, France and Germany. But when will the American giant to our country?
As proof that things can start to change in the English digital market is nothing better than to prove the success of Lorenzo Silva on his arrival in the world of ebooks. For those who do not know, in the magnificent Blog Lorenzo Silva announced recently that all his work will be scanned to be sold at a very affordable digital platform Leqtor, prior to including other distributors in the industry.
Lorenzo took time behind this idea and think you have to applaud their achievements. After struggling much, sticking with agents, publishers and intermediaries to set different margins, you The reader raises an interesting dilemma surfer. All his novels, as we know unna proven quality at a price less than 5 euros. In fact, most of his books are sold 4.99 euros and the package with the six books of the complete saga Bevilacqua and Chamorro is available for the modest price of 14.99 euros. And no DRM!
The answer in this case has not been long in coming. Absolute success. Within days, the top ten best sellers on the website of Leqtor , are eight works by Lorenzo Silva. Literary quality, sensibly priced and easy to download in one click. Perhaps it was the solution. Hopefully publishers take good note and finally, now, this is the beginning of real change.
You see, a few days full of news. And entrepreneurs of this country, putting the batteries rapidly. Still emerging new platforms in the 2.0 environment, the interacting with the world. A Hispanic Netflix called Filmin where you can buy low-cost independent film premieres to view them with high quality streaming. Or Web 24Symbols , it takes time announcing his imminent arrival and launch of its beta, similar to Spotify's books. And sure, just around the corner, we always find, with nice surprises.
whole world of possibilities is true. And we are in the same heart, seeing as everything changes around us. We can also do our bit to improve any of these initiatives. Or to find new and better that will lead to success. It's in our hands.
To be consistent with the technological maelstrom I wanted to make some changes to the design blog. After sticking with several websites and the source code of blogger I managed to place (though you may have to change the site) button to share these entries in Twitter . This button appears at the beginning of each entry, top left and is visible as you enter the blog. I have also added two buttons Facebook , the sharing and the "Like", but those are only visible when you click on the title of the post to enter it. Give it a try and if any problems do not hesitate to discuss it.
And of course, in the end I too have given up, opening a Twitter profile that I invite you to visit and follow. I'm still starting on it, valuing its enormous possibilities, but I think it is a powerful promotional tool. In fact I weeks reading and viewing various online marketing topics, and I think it's a very interesting topic. Perhaps the key to our future success. Ah, on the right side of this blog under the blogs that I also see a small plugin with my latest tweets. You have to be trendy, you know.
for me just add that, due to various circumstances, my literary output is slightly stuck, but I do not lack ideas. The rejections know that we become stronger, building from within a thick shell that insulates us from abroad, hoping that this devastating storm abates called crisis. And working, improving, waiting for the moment. You may be just around the corner ...
I can only hope to your comments and opinions about to start an interesting debate which I hope will leave little to the previous, which had record visits and comments. Meanwhile, my mind coming up with new projects that will help me jump right into this exciting battle that we can deliver keystroke and mouse.
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