Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Small Estate Time Frame

The May 21, 1982, the pilot of the Royal Air Force took off from aircraft carriers Jeff Glover Hermes with the mission to shed their use of cluster bombs Argentine positions at Port Howard, the "capital" of the almost uninhabited Gran Malvina-renamed Puerto Yapeyú during the war. It would be his last mission: Glover avoided seeing drop the bombs civilian settlements too close to his target, and to make a second flyby to take reconnaissance photos, the Harrier was hit by a missile launched by Blowpipe Argentine command. I flew a thousand miles per hour when he heard three explosions on your machine, which spun at high speed totally out of control. Glover was able to successfully ejected but was captured and became the only English POW who was in that condition until after the conflict ended even.
A 28-year Stanley decision, Glover, coincidentally born on April 2, 1954 but, first told his story in the documentary "due Disobedience," which the filmmaker Victoria Reale Argentina has just finished after four years of research and filming, direction and assistance of journalist interviews Nora Sánchez. The film includes long testimony that former fighter pilot awarded in Stamford, England, where he lives. Glover retired from the RAF in 1996 and has since become a commercial pilot.
"The Argentine soldiers were to find me and pulled me out of the water, and that was the end of the war for me," Glover tells on camera.
But the film is an investigation of the treatment also received the British as a prisoner of war, by the same armed forces that had absolute power in 1976 and executed on state terrorism.
Reale, director of the documentary, is the daughter of former Army medic Luis Reale, who higher grade was head of the Society of Health 3 in Port Howard, and the first physician to serve Glover, wounded in the face and a dislocated shoulder. The biographical information that links the director with one of the protagonists of this story is a prelude to a revelation that explains the title of the film, former military doctor and a veteran of the Falklands that communicating with the command of his brigade to report that possessed the injured pilot, "I immediately indicated that press to try to locate the position of the aircraft carrier ... never proceeded to act like I had asked. My job is as a medical professional," says Reale, who left Army shortly after back to the mainland.
Glover, today - Photo
Clarín "Dad refused to answer on camera he meant by 'pressing'. Did you mean torture? Could your chief General (Omar) stop ignoring such an order ?, suggestively asks the voiceover of the principal.
Glover knew nothing of this, although he admits that he preferred being a prisoner of the Air Force because he had "read about the missing at the hands of the Army" in previous years. The
pilot prisoner was then taken to Goose Green, and soon after moved with other wounded Argentine to the continent, before the fall of Port Stanley. He was in Comodoro Rivadavia, and then at the air base of El Chamical, La Rioja.
the other hand, the British were holding Alfredo Astiz, surrendered in Georgia and demanded the release of Glover that intervention by the International Red Cross, was recently released in Montevideo on July 8. Astiz
When was the pledge of change
When Jeff Glover thought he had to Buenos Aires to release it, landed in Chamical, where they were almost hidden. It was where the worst happened. Until you Massimo visited Cataldi, Red Cross, and was assured that "the outside world knew I was alive." In the middle there was a dispute between the Air Force and the Army by whom was the pilot, all a war trophy. The documentary "due Disobedience" realizes that the military junta in whitening the pilot took prisoner, which is why the British, who had captured the ocean Alfredo Astiz in Georgia, which was beginning to be emblematic of the repression illegally detained him more account as a way to protect Glover. Curiosity
testimonies do not match: the former conscript Enrique Gordillo, that guarded Glover in The Chamical, says his food was abundant, and even with him playing ping-pong. Glover said, however, that never had a relationship with the guards and played ping-pong, which it describes as "ridiculous" because the cast that carried on his shoulder injury.
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