born May 28, 1947 in the Province of Mendoza, where he attended primary and secondary. He joined the ARMADA ARGENTINA on February 3, 1964 as a cadet of the Preparatory Course of the Naval Academy.
In this Institute was noted for its sporting qualities and enviable sense of humor. Bent by the Marine Corps, he quickly due to its high military spirit. After completing the training trip aboard of the frigate ARA Libertad ", was received from Marine midshipman on December 30, 1967, integrating 96 naval cadets Promotion.
- In February 1968, conducted an intensive course for Marines Commandos in Tierra del Fuego. Midshipman then Giachino and stressed and was emerging as born leader.
- His first assignment was the Infantry Battalion No. 5 Eq MARINA
- received basic training in mountain climbing CLIMBING SCHOOL OF ARGENTINE ARMY, SAN CARLOS DE BARILOCHE. He was then transferred to the Infantry Battalion No. 3 Marina in Ensenada.
- His sympathies for combat in special circumstances him to take the course Amphibious Reconnaissance in 1970.
- adopted in 1971 during Commands for Senior Staff in the School of Infantry of the Argentine Army, which stood by their health professionals.
- completed his training as amphibious command to classified military as a paratrooper in the Airborne Infantry Brigade of the Argentine Army in the Province of Cordoba.
- Promoted to Lieutenant on December 31, 1975, approving the following year the Training Course for Officers of Marines in the SCHOOL OF OFFICERS OF THE NAVY, the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, where he showed his strong background professional and their proverbial spirit of fellowship.
Then in MARINE INFANTRY BATTALION No. 1 was head of a company handles. Later he served as Chief Operating Officer COMMAND GROUP AMPHIBIANS and later the Assistant Chief of Operations and Intelligence AMPHIBIOUS FORCE SUPPORT. On December 31, 1981, and as Lieutenant Commander, assumed his last position: Deputy Commander of the Battalion of Marines No. 1 in Marine BASE BATTERIES.
For recovery operations our Malvinas Islands, Giachino was head of a patrol Amphibian Command and Tactical Divers who landed on April 1, 1982 at night, on a beach south of Port Stanley. Its mission was to achieve the surrender of British Governor before the bulk of Argentine troops broke into the town. Giachino This should avoid a bloody and futile battle in the middle of urban plant.
The patrol ashore from the destroyer ARA "Holy Trinity" made it to the beach in rubber boats, the enemy forces in the area did not notice the night landing men Giachino.
At six in the morning of April 2, 1982, Giachino and his men surrounded the British Governor's house and summoned him surrender, the British, surprised, then opened on patrol. As prescribed orders, Giachino proceeded without causing casualties or damage to the opponent, no doubt, these orders are more difficult to receive a military, but Giachino fell short of the circumstances. Repeat several times
injunction, the British stepped up their shots with no indication of truce alguna.Treinta minutes after the first assault wave of the Landing Force Argentina comes ashore on beaches distant about seven miles from where I was trying to accomplish Giachino Governor's surrender. The recovery of the Islands was taking place. A few minutes later, the armored amphibious infantry Argentina Navy rolled into PORT STANLEY, while ships of the fleets at sea were showing their silhouettes in the bay.
If the Argentine troops entered the town, would start fighting with the British in the town, a circumstance that should be avoided at all costs. Giachino knew he had to act to prevent it, according to his orders. In his capacity as Chief, became the most important decision of his life. In the evidence of the futility of achieving the British surrender, advanced alone into the Governor's house, knocked down a door. An enemy machine gun fire at point-blank him, fell back. He shouted to his men to cover themselves.
His second (Lieutenant Junior DIEGO GARCIA QUIROGA) wanted out of the line of fire, receiving a discharge in turn severely wounded him. Cape URBINA nurse tried to rescue her two bosses, being wounded, and still managed to give first aid to the officers and himself. The pressure of the general situation prompted the British Governor to order the suspension of the fire and ask parliament. Captain
Giachino The mission had been accomplished: the Governor surrendered before the Argentine troops made their entry into Port Stanley. The price was the life of our hero, who died minutes later due to extremely severe injuries received. His last words were to his wife Cristina and their two daughters, Vanessa and CARINA.Ascendido "Post Mortem" the degree of Commander Marine. He was buried in Mar del Plata, where his family lives. He was awarded "Post Mortem" with highest distinction awarded by the NATION ARGENTINA: "CROSS THE HEROIC COURAGE IN COMBAT." ARMADA ARGENTINA
The Captain recognized Giachino the archetype of the boss, who leads his men into battle personally assuming greater risks and that, in orders received, painstakingly executed, even at the expense of his own life. Not delegated to their subordinates the task more dangerous. He took for himself, which is privileged grand.
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