monkey Ham - Bad Times (2010)
A little rock, cool rock, cannabis and my friend Fernando kalimochero ¡¡¡¡. Ham
official Web monkey Ham
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
How Can I Fake Community Service Hours For School
One of the acts to which I attended last week in the interesting program of the Third Festival of novel Black detective Getafe bore the curious title the same as for this entry: "Novels of the Nazis" . The talk was held at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Getafe, a place of fond memories for me to recall some of the presentations I enjoyed last year, and had a cast exception: the Scottish Phillip Kerr, a of the current writers most important black genre throughout Europe; Rosa Ribas, English writer based in Germany, and Lorenzo Silva as presenter and host of the event.
Black Getafe organizers wanted to introduce two writers novel about a country than its own with different perceptions. Both write books set in Germany, but perspectives change. For the British writer is immersed in interwar Germany, through the first steps the Nazis to reach the National paroxysm and the advent of World War II. It does helped by the antics of Bernie Gunther, a policeman from the Weimar Republic which in turn acts as a private detective and the new police service of the Nazis to lead SS officer in the Ukrainian campaign. A character that has brought him great critical and commercial success, gathering including the International Award for Novela Negra RBA in 2009.
Rosa Ribas has a
points of view very different, at the same time modern. The author spent twenty years living in Germany, two years in Berlin and the rest in Frankfurt. In his writings he wanted to reflect that vision of the immigrant, the outsider who tries to integrate into a multicultural society has failed, as German leaders themselves, in a debate is on the agenda. The main character in his novels is Cornelia Weber-Weaver, a daughter of police commissioner Galician and German, which faces its own problems as part of a second generation does not know whether to be German or foreign citizens, investigating criminal cases in a society that has not changed much with the passing of the years.
Phillip Kerr, in an accent quite closed that it was difficult to follow, says the attraction has always been by Germany. Since the early comic books or its adolescent stage, through the fascination he felt when watching the movie "Cabaret", until his graduation as a lawyer German law. Interest also focused on Berlin, a city that has always imported into the UK from a social, political and cultural. A city that is passionate about the Scottish writer, as well as Lorenzo Silva, Rosa Ribas but does not share this enthusiasm and opts more for your current city: Frankfurt, the modern city of skyscrapers, economic engine of the German locomotive and therefore of old Europe, although the city's Main gets its bourgeois character, citizen initiatives and the cultural mosaic that includes
, with one third of the foreign population and a similar percentage in terms of mixed couples.
Participants discussed in the talk below about the main topic of the evening: Nazism, the experience of the German people in this tortuous period, causes the advent of absolute evil embodied by Hitler and his henchmen, and the feeling of guilt that the German people still carries on his back after all these years.
Kerr says the venture at that time with a character like Gunther can romanticize crime stories looking at the context of that society. You can talk about a serial murderer, or any other offender, taking into account that the biggest criminals in history in the service of the police and the German authorities at that time. A curious blend of characters and situations that help you write crime novels with a strong background of historical and social reality in which they are situated.
The story of the evening happened when Scottish writer asked about the causes of Nazism. Said without any doubt, and with that trademark humor well-known British
the world that the causes of this situation was excessive laws and lawyers. He said the current global recession has the same cause: too many laws (local, state, national or European), too many lawyers and too many politicians who in many cases are also lawyers. A curious point of view that ignited the debate around it.
The young translator, a little nervous before the stage fright, she punctuated on occasion Lorenzo Silva, he did not want the public to lose some detail in the extensive interventions of Phillip Kerr. In reply to Rosa Ribas, the writer wanted to clarify that there were many causes that led to the infamous Nazi era: the severe economic crisis in the interwar period, corruption, humiliation in a country which is still paying the consequences World War I and the National efficiency when inflame and move the masses, ignoring terrible passages abochornarían the world for decades.
The two writers talked about the reasons to dive into the black genre. Rosa Ribas said that allowed him to penetrate and criticize from within German society, novels, detective stories heavily influenced by the environment in which they develop. Frames to be translated into German have won praise but also some criticism within that society. Some attracted to the way the English writer has to tell black genre using the vision of immigrants in a multicultural environment, and other topics alleging he abused. In short, different opinions will not influence the author to self-censorship.
A Kerr on the contrary, we have attracted more a good story than the crime itself
d which nourish their works. Thus readers choose the black genre, both enjoy a good story, and get away from other works with which they are so identified. Some novels that leaves no puppet head, ensuring that its author to speak ill of all (German, English, American, Russian or Argentine) known to receive criticism in different countries but does not mind too much.
We then turn to an interesting question and answer from the audience that made the act was lengthened to almost two hours. Anyway this time was short, thanks to the fun of interventions and the clock ran almost without realizing it. Minutes later ended the conversation, since then was to take place another presentation in the same room. As a climax we greet Lorenzo Silva in the interval, sharing a brief chat with others attending the presentation, as the writer Paco Gómez Escribano or Lorenzo Rodriguez, Culturama magazine.
One of the acts to which I attended last week in the interesting program of the Third Festival of novel Black detective Getafe bore the curious title the same as for this entry: "Novels of the Nazis" . The talk was held at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Getafe, a place of fond memories for me to recall some of the presentations I enjoyed last year, and had a cast exception: the Scottish Phillip Kerr, a of the current writers most important black genre throughout Europe; Rosa Ribas, English writer based in Germany, and Lorenzo Silva as presenter and host of the event.
Black Getafe organizers wanted to introduce two writers novel about a country than its own with different perceptions. Both write books set in Germany, but perspectives change. For the British writer is immersed in interwar Germany, through the first steps the Nazis to reach the National paroxysm and the advent of World War II. It does helped by the antics of Bernie Gunther, a policeman from the Weimar Republic which in turn acts as a private detective and the new police service of the Nazis to lead SS officer in the Ukrainian campaign. A character that has brought him great critical and commercial success, gathering including the International Award for Novela Negra RBA in 2009.
Rosa Ribas has a
Phillip Kerr, in an accent quite closed that it was difficult to follow, says the attraction has always been by Germany. Since the early comic books or its adolescent stage, through the fascination he felt when watching the movie "Cabaret", until his graduation as a lawyer German law. Interest also focused on Berlin, a city that has always imported into the UK from a social, political and cultural. A city that is passionate about the Scottish writer, as well as Lorenzo Silva, Rosa Ribas but does not share this enthusiasm and opts more for your current city: Frankfurt, the modern city of skyscrapers, economic engine of the German locomotive and therefore of old Europe, although the city's Main gets its bourgeois character, citizen initiatives and the cultural mosaic that includes
Participants discussed in the talk below about the main topic of the evening: Nazism, the experience of the German people in this tortuous period, causes the advent of absolute evil embodied by Hitler and his henchmen, and the feeling of guilt that the German people still carries on his back after all these years.
Kerr says the venture at that time with a character like Gunther can romanticize crime stories looking at the context of that society. You can talk about a serial murderer, or any other offender, taking into account that the biggest criminals in history in the service of the police and the German authorities at that time. A curious blend of characters and situations that help you write crime novels with a strong background of historical and social reality in which they are situated.
The story of the evening happened when Scottish writer asked about the causes of Nazism. Said without any doubt, and with that trademark humor well-known British
The young translator, a little nervous before the stage fright, she punctuated on occasion Lorenzo Silva, he did not want the public to lose some detail in the extensive interventions of Phillip Kerr. In reply to Rosa Ribas, the writer wanted to clarify that there were many causes that led to the infamous Nazi era: the severe economic crisis in the interwar period, corruption, humiliation in a country which is still paying the consequences World War I and the National efficiency when inflame and move the masses, ignoring terrible passages abochornarían the world for decades.
The two writers talked about the reasons to dive into the black genre. Rosa Ribas said that allowed him to penetrate and criticize from within German society, novels, detective stories heavily influenced by the environment in which they develop. Frames to be translated into German have won praise but also some criticism within that society. Some attracted to the way the English writer has to tell black genre using the vision of immigrants in a multicultural environment, and other topics alleging he abused. In short, different opinions will not influence the author to self-censorship.
A Kerr on the contrary, we have attracted more a good story than the crime itself
We then turn to an interesting question and answer from the audience that made the act was lengthened to almost two hours. Anyway this time was short, thanks to the fun of interventions and the clock ran almost without realizing it. Minutes later ended the conversation, since then was to take place another presentation in the same room. As a climax we greet Lorenzo Silva in the interval, sharing a brief chat with others attending the presentation, as the writer Paco Gómez Escribano or Lorenzo Rodriguez, Culturama magazine.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Syphilis Ingrown Hair
A few days into Getafe Black, writer and curator of the act Lorenzo Silva received us kindly to grant us an interview and tell us interesting things about his latest novel, "water strategy" . An interview with Celia Santos, "More than words ".
P: "water strategy" is the sixth novel in the saga that began with "In the distant land of the ponds' , for over a decade. The main characters are still Bevilacqua and Chamorro, aided in this new adventure worthy remarkable what developments have been the protagonists and their collaborators during these novels?
R: really is the fifth novel, the sixth and ninth book adventure, as there are five novels and a book with four stories of these characters. The series and DITORIAL began twelve years ago but for me it started fifteen. A very intense period. The first novel is very different from this because the reality in which we live is very different. There is one detail that shows this evolution in the first novel mobile Bevilacqua has not, moreover, stated objection to these devices because they think it is a violation of privacy. In the latest novel almost entire days spent talking on the phone. We live in a society where everyone does their own purposes and then that same society, with its powerful media overwhelms us. And that is what has happened to the characters because changes are inevitable, the criminals and crimes are totally different.
Q: The novel masterfully describes police work, but also the procedural world, what's going on behind the scenes in the judiciary with its lights and shadows. Bevilacqua is disgusted and disillusioned with the system, but decides to keep fighting. Does the problem solving courts in our country?
R: members of the judiciary and the police did not cease to be workers like us, with the same difficulties and limitations. It is true that they have certain privileges, but always under control of judges and not always be used. The cops are not heroes to solve, are auxiliary ad ministration of justice. They do not take action. All they can do is gather evidence and circumstances, detain a person for a few hours and fulfill the orders of judges. The reality of the judges for me has been very important throughout the series, but especially in this story because it highlights some of the inadequacies and failures of our judicial system. Any remedy? I think in the last fifteen years, the administration of justice has improved, especially in technical means, but there are other aspects which I think has much to do. Especially members of the administration aware of service citizen and not feel more authority than a public servant. And the abuse of the courts by ci udadanos disappears. Can not be used to the administration of justice ation only to fuck the neighbor.
P: In this work we appreciate the leadership and strong character of some female characters, claiming the prominent role that women should always have had on society: judges, forensics, criminal investigations, but also offenders. What is the biggest challenge when building a character like this?
R: For me, fiction is an exploration of reality. It is true that fiction has laws and mechanisms that do not always have to be 100% reliable, but we do believe is that we have to have that connection with reality to be believable and have minimal significance. My approach to the female characters I make from reality. In the administration of justice there are many women who are the authority in case law. In my novel, the male character is subjected to the normal female authority because that authority is legitimate, do not have to overreact or claimed to be respected. If we look at a court of violence, for example, see the judge, prosecutor, the coroner ... virtually all are women. And the same goes for female offenders, there are also women offenders. What I try to reflect this normality.
P: both criminal investigations, judicial and procedural details or any other technical point note the extensive documentation work you do before writing a novel. How long can you take document yourself about for a work like this? How to write the work itself?
R: depends on the story, but never less than two or three years. The first is to select the story I tell. Sometimes I have ideas too much because there are many stories that deserve to be told. Once I have the story, I find the characters and when I have them, I start to this documentation. For example, in this novel appears a court of violence, because to me it was important to go to one of them and do a story from the inside.
P: in a black genre work is often partly reflect and criticize the model of society in which they develop the characters and their history. In this case are the legal troubles, the controversial law against gender violence, disputes in divorces, the economic crisis or frames in which corruption, mafias, or black money as fish move in the water. Are we facing an amoral society that deserves the punishment he receives cycle?
R: A law is not just a cyclical response to a problem. But in the law I wanted to investigate the problem of partner violence, family, emotional roots. Such violence is exacerbated since the affection and the trust because the offender is in possession of secrets, feelings, domestic spaces. This story suggests that all that advantage goes to the man certainly, but there are violent women who have the same weapons and the same benefits of the male with whom they have had a relationship. My novel attempts to establish the whole picture and this approach does not affect the paint and that both victims and some others must be protected. That protection does not undermine each other.
Q: You recently been awarded the Prix VIII Algaba of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs and historical research with his work 'Sereno in danger. The historical adventure of the Civil Guard ', which recounts the memories of the Civil Guard. What do you think the military body of his works are historical novels, in which the Civil Guard has a role?
R: No, not upset. The literary reflection Civil Guard has been extremely harsh. Now I have very recently to try to count the 166-year history of the body. In the collective consciousness, the intervention of the civil guard, I think wrongly, is associated with a kind of reactionary perspective, when the Civil Guard, from its origin, are the opposite. They are a creation of liberal Spain. The Duke of Ahumada wanted to create a body to return the internal security to a country that had absolutely lost. Both he and his son were two liberals pursued by Fernando VII and even had to be exiled. And historically, when the Guardia Civil has had the greatest expansion has been with the progressive governments. In the First and Second Republic greatly increased the body. In democracy, governments that have driven more Civil Guard have been left-wing governments. It was the body that protected the proclamation of the two republics, mostly opposed to the coup of July 36. During the Civil War, which had 35,000 members in the body, 20,000 remained loyal to the Republic, thanks to them no big cities revolted. Seven had only one general and revolted. People just left with the image of the Guardia Civil of the Franco era, which incidentally was about to dissolve the body precisely because of their fondness Republican. He suggested that could only be maintain if the revolution from the top down and tried but failed. When the Franco regime ended, the body was placed at the service of democracy. It is true that a hundred civil guards attempted a coup, but another 70,000 were put in front, and we know where these hundred-odd ended civil guards. No other group in this country has made a sacrifice for the maintenance of the liberties of citizens. Only in the fight against ETA has lost 210 members, plus those lost in other areas. I think society has been unfair to this group.
P: Thanks for everything, Lorenzo. A pleasure to have chatted with you.
R: Thank you.
A few days into Getafe Black, writer and curator of the act Lorenzo Silva received us kindly to grant us an interview and tell us interesting things about his latest novel, "water strategy" . An interview with Celia Santos, "More than words ".
P: "water strategy" is the sixth novel in the saga that began with "In the distant land of the ponds' , for over a decade. The main characters are still Bevilacqua and Chamorro, aided in this new adventure worthy remarkable what developments have been the protagonists and their collaborators during these novels?
R: really is the fifth novel, the sixth and ninth book adventure, as there are five novels and a book with four stories of these characters. The series and DITORIAL began twelve years ago but for me it started fifteen. A very intense period. The first novel is very different from this because the reality in which we live is very different. There is one detail that shows this evolution in the first novel mobile Bevilacqua has not, moreover, stated objection to these devices because they think it is a violation of privacy. In the latest novel almost entire days spent talking on the phone. We live in a society where everyone does their own purposes and then that same society, with its powerful media overwhelms us. And that is what has happened to the characters because changes are inevitable, the criminals and crimes are totally different.
Q: The novel masterfully describes police work, but also the procedural world, what's going on behind the scenes in the judiciary with its lights and shadows. Bevilacqua is disgusted and disillusioned with the system, but decides to keep fighting. Does the problem solving courts in our country?
R: members of the judiciary and the police did not cease to be workers like us, with the same difficulties and limitations. It is true that they have certain privileges, but always under control of judges and not always be used. The cops are not heroes to solve, are auxiliary ad ministration of justice. They do not take action. All they can do is gather evidence and circumstances, detain a person for a few hours and fulfill the orders of judges. The reality of the judges for me has been very important throughout the series, but especially in this story because it highlights some of the inadequacies and failures of our judicial system. Any remedy? I think in the last fifteen years, the administration of justice has improved, especially in technical means, but there are other aspects which I think has much to do. Especially members of the administration aware of service citizen and not feel more authority than a public servant. And the abuse of the courts by ci udadanos disappears. Can not be used to the administration of justice ation only to fuck the neighbor.
P: In this work we appreciate the leadership and strong character of some female characters, claiming the prominent role that women should always have had on society: judges, forensics, criminal investigations, but also offenders. What is the biggest challenge when building a character like this?
R: For me, fiction is an exploration of reality. It is true that fiction has laws and mechanisms that do not always have to be 100% reliable, but we do believe is that we have to have that connection with reality to be believable and have minimal significance. My approach to the female characters I make from reality. In the administration of justice there are many women who are the authority in case law. In my novel, the male character is subjected to the normal female authority because that authority is legitimate, do not have to overreact or claimed to be respected. If we look at a court of violence, for example, see the judge, prosecutor, the coroner ... virtually all are women. And the same goes for female offenders, there are also women offenders. What I try to reflect this normality.
P: both criminal investigations, judicial and procedural details or any other technical point note the extensive documentation work you do before writing a novel. How long can you take document yourself about for a work like this? How to write the work itself?
R: depends on the story, but never less than two or three years. The first is to select the story I tell. Sometimes I have ideas too much because there are many stories that deserve to be told. Once I have the story, I find the characters and when I have them, I start to this documentation. For example, in this novel appears a court of violence, because to me it was important to go to one of them and do a story from the inside.
P: in a black genre work is often partly reflect and criticize the model of society in which they develop the characters and their history. In this case are the legal troubles, the controversial law against gender violence, disputes in divorces, the economic crisis or frames in which corruption, mafias, or black money as fish move in the water. Are we facing an amoral society that deserves the punishment he receives cycle?
R: A law is not just a cyclical response to a problem. But in the law I wanted to investigate the problem of partner violence, family, emotional roots. Such violence is exacerbated since the affection and the trust because the offender is in possession of secrets, feelings, domestic spaces. This story suggests that all that advantage goes to the man certainly, but there are violent women who have the same weapons and the same benefits of the male with whom they have had a relationship. My novel attempts to establish the whole picture and this approach does not affect the paint and that both victims and some others must be protected. That protection does not undermine each other.
Q: You recently been awarded the Prix VIII Algaba of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs and historical research with his work 'Sereno in danger. The historical adventure of the Civil Guard ', which recounts the memories of the Civil Guard. What do you think the military body of his works are historical novels, in which the Civil Guard has a role?
R: No, not upset. The literary reflection Civil Guard has been extremely harsh. Now I have very recently to try to count the 166-year history of the body. In the collective consciousness, the intervention of the civil guard, I think wrongly, is associated with a kind of reactionary perspective, when the Civil Guard, from its origin, are the opposite. They are a creation of liberal Spain. The Duke of Ahumada wanted to create a body to return the internal security to a country that had absolutely lost. Both he and his son were two liberals pursued by Fernando VII and even had to be exiled. And historically, when the Guardia Civil has had the greatest expansion has been with the progressive governments. In the First and Second Republic greatly increased the body. In democracy, governments that have driven more Civil Guard have been left-wing governments. It was the body that protected the proclamation of the two republics, mostly opposed to the coup of July 36. During the Civil War, which had 35,000 members in the body, 20,000 remained loyal to the Republic, thanks to them no big cities revolted. Seven had only one general and revolted. People just left with the image of the Guardia Civil of the Franco era, which incidentally was about to dissolve the body precisely because of their fondness Republican. He suggested that could only be maintain if the revolution from the top down and tried but failed. When the Franco regime ended, the body was placed at the service of democracy. It is true that a hundred civil guards attempted a coup, but another 70,000 were put in front, and we know where these hundred-odd ended civil guards. No other group in this country has made a sacrifice for the maintenance of the liberties of citizens. Only in the fight against ETA has lost 210 members, plus those lost in other areas. I think society has been unfair to this group.
P: Thanks for everything, Lorenzo. A pleasure to have chatted with you.
R: Thank you.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Baby Phlegm Breathing
The celebration program was as follows:
1 .- Public Accounts for 2009-2010 by its current president, Gonzalo Contreras, President.
2 .- Keynote: Magnetic Fields issued by Victor Lagos, Vice President.
3 .- Intermediate Musical.
4 .- Delivery Ceremony Card and Book signing new partners.
5 .- Intermediate Musical.
6 .- Cocktail.
Saturday just past the Astronomical Society of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar, SAVAL, celebrated its 54 years, the 54 laps around the sun justified the meeting cocktail corporate headquarters Abtao 563-A street in Cerro Concepción Valparaíso city.
The celebration program was as follows:
1 .- Public Accounts for 2009-2010 by its current president, Gonzalo Contreras, President.
2 .- Keynote: Magnetic Fields issued by Victor Lagos, Vice President.
3 .- Intermediate Musical.
4 .- Delivery Ceremony Card and Book signing new partners.
5 .- Intermediate Musical.
6 .- Cocktail.
Mr. President paying the annual account.
musical Pause
The Conference of the Vice President, Mr. Victor Lagos
Motorbike Trials Engine
The people who gathered on this occasion were: Augusto Montané Marti, Rafael Celis Capdeville, Kayano Yoshinosuke Hayakawa, Nicodemus Second Cruz Olea, Juan Frutos Parera, Rafael García Boente, Juan López Guerrero, Francisco Figueroa Gaete, Fernando Goldberg Lara, Adriana Garrido Poblete Montana and Ana Cristina Reyes Cea de Frutos.
Via Supreme Decree was granted legal personality No. 1961 of April 7, 1959.
SAVAL aims to develop the study of astronomy and related sciences among its members and disseminate the culture of astronomy.
is a founding member Latin American Astronomical League.
First Directory
members SAVAL first directory were
Augusto Montané Marti
Rafael Celis Capdeville
Yoshinosuke Kayano Hayakawa
Juan López Guerrero
Juan Frutos Parera
Cruz Olea Rafael García Boente
Astronomical Society was founded on October 6, 1956 in Valparaiso, Chile. Its legal structure was held April 28, 1958 in Members' Meeting convened for that purpose, at which it approved the Charter and Statutes "that same year was reduced to a deed.
The people who gathered on this occasion were: Augusto Montané Marti, Rafael Celis Capdeville, Kayano Yoshinosuke Hayakawa, Nicodemus Second Cruz Olea, Juan Frutos Parera, Rafael García Boente, Juan López Guerrero, Francisco Figueroa Gaete, Fernando Goldberg Lara, Adriana Garrido Poblete Montana and Ana Cristina Reyes Cea de Frutos.
Via Supreme Decree was granted legal personality No. 1961 of April 7, 1959.
SAVAL aims to develop the study of astronomy and related sciences among its members and disseminate the culture of astronomy.
is a founding member Latin American Astronomical League.
First Directory
members SAVAL first directory were
Augusto Montané Marti
Rafael Celis Capdeville
Yoshinosuke Kayano Hayakawa
Juan López Guerrero
Juan Frutos Parera
Cruz Olea Rafael García Boente
Wife With Lingerie Heels
Paso Hondo Astronomical Observatory
The first SAVAL Astronomical Observatory is located in Paso Hondo, a town near Quilpue in the fifties had very little light pollution so it was suitable for such activities.
Early fieldwork began in July 1958.
For several years in that place ran the venue for meetings, the Observatory until light pollution forced the closure of the activities.
The new Centre in San José de Algarrobo
Saval active partners are entitled to participate in lectures, workshops and courses offered at no cost, access a library and tool use. Those interested must complete an application for membership and cancel an incorporation fee. Once accepted to withdraw an differentiated monthly fee for adults and students. Further consultation in: The current policy for 2009-2010 consists of the following partners:
President Gonzalo Contreras gonzalo.cont @
Vice-President: Victor Lagos
Secretary: Ana Miranda ;
Treasurer: Enrique Jiménez
Director: Domingo Gonzalez
Director: Vanessa Montes
Director Claudia Rojas
Observatory Director Galileo Galilei: Moira Evans
SAVAL The Policy is renewed by the General Assembly election in October each year. The election for the new Directive 2010-2011, take place on Saturday 23 October this year.
Rsv Infants Phlegm Cough
As a good memory that remains today published the words of Luis Paredes, president of Saval on the 50th anniversary of the institution on December 1, 2006.
Dear Friends
many years ago in a faraway place, a primitive being looked toward the starry night wondering vaguely by those lights shining at the top ... In that time mankind was born and the descendants of the primitive being would be called to conquer deep space, a transcendental adventure has just begun. Astronomy implicitly has this sense of transcendence, the birth, evolution and death of stars tell us about our own history, as woven in the depths of the heavens our anguish and our hope ... "We were desperate Atoms" - says our poet Gonzalo Rojas - atoms that speak of his travels in space, planetary stay.
We this is taken from a hand with the other past and future. Stars and planets awaken in us atoms dreamers of their birth, their own evolution, seeking their ultimate fate in the depths of the universe.
response to questions of why this effort, of why ancient cultures went beyond their own horizons, of why we went into space and so many others perhaps the answer to these concerns have given the Ray Bradbury who had once told the journalist Oriana Fallaci notable recently died: "We will leave Earth for the same reason that we feel compelled to take children into the world. Because we are afraid of death, darkness and we see the repeated image and immortal. We do not want to die, but death exists and, as there, parimos children, who bring forth other sons, to infinity and this gives us eternity. Do not forget: Earth could die in explosion, the sun may go out, turn off. And if the Sun dies, if the Earth dies, if our race dies with the Earth and the Sun, then all we've done so far, it dies. And Homer dies and dies Michelangelo, Galileo and die, and Leonardo, Shakespeare and Einstein. Die all not really be dead because we have inside, the thought. Salvémoslos. Ready to escape, to continue our life on other planets, to rebuild our cities into other worlds: land will not be for long! And if you really afraid of the dark, then, for the good of all, let us take our rockets, accustom to the intense cold, intense heat, there is no water, oxygen does not exist elsewhere, us become Martians on Mars in Venusian Venus, go to other solar systems, to Alpha Centauri, anywhere to forget where we achieve and Earth. Forget our Solar System, forget our body the way it was, these arms, these legs, these eyes, Let us become what it is ... Only matter what, either way, follow the life and life will go on the conscience of Homer Miguel Angel, the awareness of Galileo, Leonardo, Shakespeare. And the gift of life will forever ... "
Saval turned 50 on Friday, October 6 ... I thought then, as I think now, the dreams of those who founded it. We represent all those who preceded us. We are the port of arrival of a river of those. We are your eyes. In us they have the option to feel what they were not able to live. By we, here we are, they again have a chance to take the floor. Thus, each of our actions is something sacred. Each time we something we rebuild the world. We, as a species, survivors dating back thousands and thousands of years. Of all the almost infinite chain of beings that make us talk and feel. Every living being is the Resurrection of the Dead. This is a long and dreamy passion that involves the whole entire cosmos. Every look to heaven is a poem without words, and these poems are not only very small human interpreters of dreams. For the poets they have had to interpret those dreams from fragments. The minimum life is the theater of passion, of dreams and beauty. When two people love each other and embrace, turn to embrace the stars.
When coupled two words is as a craft, you may be putting together new words, you may be reflecting the consistency of Heaven and Earth. Poetry is the evidence of man's dreams.
And so we come to these 50 years, and will soon be 100 where many of us will not be here, but as the founders of Saval today speak through us, we will speak through those who are when Saval's 100th birthday and so on ...
There is a Chinese saying that "if you plan ahead for a year, to plant rice, if the plans are for ten years then it should planting trees and if the plans are for a hundred years, then they should teach people. "
What are 50 years under the starry sky? Perhaps a lifetime, perhaps only a second. Let us then observe the starry nights and also celebrate the birthday of our atoms extracted from the starry night ...
Dear friends ... then happy to walk the 100-year-Saval ...
Buying Xanax Mexico Cancun
This morning was held in Madrid the presentation of the latest novel by Ken Follett, "Falling g
igantes" , part of the trilogy "The Century" , Welsh saga that the author has in mind be publishing in the coming years.
The place chosen by Random House paring i, publisher of English-language bestsellers Ken Follett, has not been more successful: the old train station of Delicias, which does not provide rail service but is home now Museum Railroad. In its platform the event organizers have installed a forum for accredited photographers, who anxiously awaited the arrival of the famous writer.
input on the platform adjacent to our position as a steam train with its engine and vintage cars, including its columns of smoke running at full capacity, has been the starting gun for the peculiar posed by Ken Follett to the media. After a station operators dressed for the occasion carrying wheelbarrows full of copies of the book to present, Mr. Follett has made a stellar appearance. After stepping on the platform prepared for the photocall, the writer has conducted those present, saying she was delighted to present his latest novel in our country, while the flashes are firing constantly around him. After completing this
first contact, we headed to the first floor adjoining rooms as we crossed the railway museum full of wonderful model trains. Eiffel in the room took place the central act of the presentation, where we were welcomed by the editor of Random House once explained the details of the press conference.
publisher's representative thanked Ken Follett its presence in our country for this presentation, after making a hole in his busy agenda, supporting his visit to the big launch of "The Fall of the giants" from Random House Mondadori. A first printing of 750,000 copies published in Castilian Spain, other English-speaking countries and the United States
s. The novel has catapulted to the top positions in all charts, and even in this first month since its publication had to do two printings of 50,000 copies each. The editor has stressed the special bond and a long relationship with Ken Follett English readers, reminding us that only the work "The Pillars of the Earth" have sold five million copies in our country, so the most widely read book by the English in the last decade.
He then welcomed Ken Follett, who has made an appearance on the stage careful preparation for the occasion. The writer has made a short speech to all attendees, minutes before undergoing rigorous questions from the media present.
The Welsh writer has told us about the idiosyncrasies of "The fall of giants" . A work that is part of an ambitious trilogy that Follett plan to write about the tumultuous twentieth century, called "The Century" . In this first novel tells of the English suffragettes, the Revolution
Russian World War I through the personal stories of five very different families (German, Russian, English, Welsh and American), but whose relations are interwoven throughout the plot. A novel that is not intended to be historical, but a novel of stories and characters. A book about families, their members, their environment and developments that have their lives during the time period in which this work is set. The second novel in the series, which currently works, which will advance us on the World War II, referring in large part to the former English Civil War, and will go on sale in 2012. The last part of the trilogy will be released in about four years and its plot revolves around the cold war.
At the end of this speech, Mr. Follett has sat at the table next to the editor of RHM, willing to answer questions thrown at him there different media accredited. The questions made by journalists have been very diverse. From what he thought about using the Internet when communicating with their readers or launch a promotion campaign to ask that scenes of the work has cost more jobs novels. Interventions related to whether ideology influenced the drafting of the plot or affected him the pilgrim debate on the literary quality of the best-sellers, through
other issues such as adapting their novels to the movies or television or origin of the title of this work, not to mention the arduous process of documentation when face such a monumental project.
responses Welsh writer, conducted in English but with a slow pitch and vocalizing to perfection, have further intervention almost no attention to the simultaneous translation equipment. Ken Follett has assured us that use the Internet constantly, is to receive assessments of their works through their readers, documented for a work or travel to other countries without to move from his home via Google Earth. Its not known Labour ideology subdues the time to write a play. In his words, a good writer must put aside their own ideas and be as objective as possible when telling a story, trying to write from the point of view specific to each different character or situation without taking
party openly.
Follett is delighted with the outcome of the mini-series that currently airs in Spain on his most famous work, "The Pillars of the Earth" . As a preview to us in advance that the producers of this series have already prepared script and hope to start shooting in mid 2011, another production recounting the events of "World Without End" . Also in Germany is preparing another series on his novel "A Dangerous Fortune" and has said jokingly that he is willing to sell the rights of the few works that have not compromised if he wanted to be a producer.
In a very relaxed atmosphere, Follett has said the best thing about being a writer of best-sellers, a task that has been occupied for over thirty years with 26 books and over one hundred million copies sold, is to pursue what he likes, being also very happy with their work. Rewarding work, with which enjoys thrilling readers because it ensures that this is the only key to your success. A work that will touch your heart, make you feel, mourn, move you to the events that happen to their characters. That is paramount in launching a new project, and something that has to take into account any person who wants to write.
The writer told us the laborious process when venturing to this trilogy. When documented thought I would find other work which focused on those issues from similar perspectives, but the reality was quite different. It took six months of hard work to read all kinds of documentation for environment in its history, and then another six months preparing the script of the plot and characters that would give life once put to writing the novel. A work that has highlighted two main scenes: the Battle of the Somme or the taking of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Character has stayed with Walter, the German spy whose training and ideals are so far removed from those he passed, an
TES your world suddenly changed when he falls for a young Englishwoman.
After Question Time, a privileged few have been lucky that Ken Follett we sign a copy of his work, before being required by the organization for personal interviews that were arranged with different televisions. The event ended with a brief snack we all appreciated after enjoying a very interesting and entertaining event prepared with exquisite care by Random House.
This morning was held in Madrid the presentation of the latest novel by Ken Follett, "Falling g

The place chosen by Random House paring i, publisher of English-language bestsellers Ken Follett, has not been more successful: the old train station of Delicias, which does not provide rail service but is home now Museum Railroad. In its platform the event organizers have installed a forum for accredited photographers, who anxiously awaited the arrival of the famous writer.

input on the platform adjacent to our position as a steam train with its engine and vintage cars, including its columns of smoke running at full capacity, has been the starting gun for the peculiar posed by Ken Follett to the media. After a station operators dressed for the occasion carrying wheelbarrows full of copies of the book to present, Mr. Follett has made a stellar appearance. After stepping on the platform prepared for the photocall, the writer has conducted those present, saying she was delighted to present his latest novel in our country, while the flashes are firing constantly around him. After completing this

publisher's representative thanked Ken Follett its presence in our country for this presentation, after making a hole in his busy agenda, supporting his visit to the big launch of "The Fall of the giants" from Random House Mondadori. A first printing of 750,000 copies published in Castilian Spain, other English-speaking countries and the United States

He then welcomed Ken Follett, who has made an appearance on the stage careful preparation for the occasion. The writer has made a short speech to all attendees, minutes before undergoing rigorous questions from the media present.
The Welsh writer has told us about the idiosyncrasies of "The fall of giants" . A work that is part of an ambitious trilogy that Follett plan to write about the tumultuous twentieth century, called "The Century" . In this first novel tells of the English suffragettes, the Revolution

At the end of this speech, Mr. Follett has sat at the table next to the editor of RHM, willing to answer questions thrown at him there different media accredited. The questions made by journalists have been very diverse. From what he thought about using the Internet when communicating with their readers or launch a promotion campaign to ask that scenes of the work has cost more jobs novels. Interventions related to whether ideology influenced the drafting of the plot or affected him the pilgrim debate on the literary quality of the best-sellers, through

responses Welsh writer, conducted in English but with a slow pitch and vocalizing to perfection, have further intervention almost no attention to the simultaneous translation equipment. Ken Follett has assured us that use the Internet constantly, is to receive assessments of their works through their readers, documented for a work or travel to other countries without to move from his home via Google Earth. Its not known Labour ideology subdues the time to write a play. In his words, a good writer must put aside their own ideas and be as objective as possible when telling a story, trying to write from the point of view specific to each different character or situation without taking

Follett is delighted with the outcome of the mini-series that currently airs in Spain on his most famous work, "The Pillars of the Earth" . As a preview to us in advance that the producers of this series have already prepared script and hope to start shooting in mid 2011, another production recounting the events of "World Without End" . Also in Germany is preparing another series on his novel "A Dangerous Fortune" and has said jokingly that he is willing to sell the rights of the few works that have not compromised if he wanted to be a producer.
In a very relaxed atmosphere, Follett has said the best thing about being a writer of best-sellers, a task that has been occupied for over thirty years with 26 books and over one hundred million copies sold, is to pursue what he likes, being also very happy with their work. Rewarding work, with which enjoys thrilling readers because it ensures that this is the only key to your success. A work that will touch your heart, make you feel, mourn, move you to the events that happen to their characters. That is paramount in launching a new project, and something that has to take into account any person who wants to write.

After Question Time, a privileged few have been lucky that Ken Follett we sign a copy of his work, before being required by the organization for personal interviews that were arranged with different televisions. The event ended with a brief snack we all appreciated after enjoying a very interesting and entertaining event prepared with exquisite care by Random House.
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