A few days into Getafe Black, writer and curator of the act Lorenzo Silva received us kindly to grant us an interview and tell us interesting things about his latest novel, "water strategy" . An interview with Celia Santos, "More than words ".
P: "water strategy" is the sixth novel in the saga that began with "In the distant land of the ponds' , for over a decade. The main characters are still Bevilacqua and Chamorro, aided in this new adventure worthy remarkable what developments have been the protagonists and their collaborators during these novels?
R: really is the fifth novel, the sixth and ninth book adventure, as there are five novels and a book with four stories of these characters. The series and DITORIAL began twelve years ago but for me it started fifteen. A very intense period. The first novel is very different from this because the reality in which we live is very different. There is one detail that shows this evolution in the first novel mobile Bevilacqua has not, moreover, stated objection to these devices because they think it is a violation of privacy. In the latest novel almost entire days spent talking on the phone. We live in a society where everyone does their own purposes and then that same society, with its powerful media overwhelms us. And that is what has happened to the characters because changes are inevitable, the criminals and crimes are totally different.
Q: The novel masterfully describes police work, but also the procedural world, what's going on behind the scenes in the judiciary with its lights and shadows. Bevilacqua is disgusted and disillusioned with the system, but decides to keep fighting. Does the problem solving courts in our country?
R: members of the judiciary and the police did not cease to be workers like us, with the same difficulties and limitations. It is true that they have certain privileges, but always under control of judges and not always be used. The cops are not heroes to solve, are auxiliary ad ministration of justice. They do not take action. All they can do is gather evidence and circumstances, detain a person for a few hours and fulfill the orders of judges. The reality of the judges for me has been very important throughout the series, but especially in this story because it highlights some of the inadequacies and failures of our judicial system. Any remedy? I think in the last fifteen years, the administration of justice has improved, especially in technical means, but there are other aspects which I think has much to do. Especially members of the administration aware of service citizen and not feel more authority than a public servant. And the abuse of the courts by ci udadanos disappears. Can not be used to the administration of justice ation only to fuck the neighbor.
P: In this work we appreciate the leadership and strong character of some female characters, claiming the prominent role that women should always have had on society: judges, forensics, criminal investigations, but also offenders. What is the biggest challenge when building a character like this?
R: For me, fiction is an exploration of reality. It is true that fiction has laws and mechanisms that do not always have to be 100% reliable, but we do believe is that we have to have that connection with reality to be believable and have minimal significance. My approach to the female characters I make from reality. In the administration of justice there are many women who are the authority in case law. In my novel, the male character is subjected to the normal female authority because that authority is legitimate, do not have to overreact or claimed to be respected. If we look at a court of violence, for example, see the judge, prosecutor, the coroner ... virtually all are women. And the same goes for female offenders, there are also women offenders. What I try to reflect this normality.
P: both criminal investigations, judicial and procedural details or any other technical point note the extensive documentation work you do before writing a novel. How long can you take document yourself about for a work like this? How to write the work itself?
R: depends on the story, but never less than two or three years. The first is to select the story I tell. Sometimes I have ideas too much because there are many stories that deserve to be told. Once I have the story, I find the characters and when I have them, I start to this documentation. For example, in this novel appears a court of violence, because to me it was important to go to one of them and do a story from the inside.
P: in a black genre work is often partly reflect and criticize the model of society in which they develop the characters and their history. In this case are the legal troubles, the controversial law against gender violence, disputes in divorces, the economic crisis or frames in which corruption, mafias, or black money as fish move in the water. Are we facing an amoral society that deserves the punishment he receives cycle?
R: A law is not just a cyclical response to a problem. But in the law I wanted to investigate the problem of partner violence, family, emotional roots. Such violence is exacerbated since the affection and the trust because the offender is in possession of secrets, feelings, domestic spaces. This story suggests that all that advantage goes to the man certainly, but there are violent women who have the same weapons and the same benefits of the male with whom they have had a relationship. My novel attempts to establish the whole picture and this approach does not affect the paint and that both victims and some others must be protected. That protection does not undermine each other.
Q: You recently been awarded the Prix VIII Algaba of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs and historical research with his work 'Sereno in danger. The historical adventure of the Civil Guard ', which recounts the memories of the Civil Guard. What do you think the military body of his works are historical novels, in which the Civil Guard has a role?
R: No, not upset. The literary reflection Civil Guard has been extremely harsh. Now I have very recently to try to count the 166-year history of the body. In the collective consciousness, the intervention of the civil guard, I think wrongly, is associated with a kind of reactionary perspective, when the Civil Guard, from its origin, are the opposite. They are a creation of liberal Spain. The Duke of Ahumada wanted to create a body to return the internal security to a country that had absolutely lost. Both he and his son were two liberals pursued by Fernando VII and even had to be exiled. And historically, when the Guardia Civil has had the greatest expansion has been with the progressive governments. In the First and Second Republic greatly increased the body. In democracy, governments that have driven more Civil Guard have been left-wing governments. It was the body that protected the proclamation of the two republics, mostly opposed to the coup of July 36. During the Civil War, which had 35,000 members in the body, 20,000 remained loyal to the Republic, thanks to them no big cities revolted. Seven had only one general and revolted. People just left with the image of the Guardia Civil of the Franco era, which incidentally was about to dissolve the body precisely because of their fondness Republican. He suggested that could only be maintain if the revolution from the top down and tried but failed. When the Franco regime ended, the body was placed at the service of democracy. It is true that a hundred civil guards attempted a coup, but another 70,000 were put in front, and we know where these hundred-odd ended civil guards. No other group in this country has made a sacrifice for the maintenance of the liberties of citizens. Only in the fight against ETA has lost 210 members, plus those lost in other areas. I think society has been unfair to this group.
P: Thanks for everything, Lorenzo. A pleasure to have chatted with you.
R: Thank you.
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