Last night saw the official presentation of the work "Serene in danger. The historical adventure of the Guardia Civil" , by Lorenzo Silva. This book, edited by FASD, has been awarded the Prix VIII Algaba of Biography, Autobiography, Memories and Historical Research.
The event was held in one of the main halls of the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and had a lot of cultural event, but also institutional, the table being chaired by the Minister of Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the then High Command of the Guardia Civil. Beside him, besides the author, was the writer Andrew Trapiello, flanked on both sides by the representative of the publisher and the Cultural Area El Corte Inglés, sponsor of this event.
opened fire interventions Edaf editor, thanking the other components of the table for their assistance and re
Trapiello was responsible for introducing the work of Lorenzo Silva and the large audience present. In his speech he recalled an article he wrote for the newspaper El Pais, referring to the peculiarities of three-cornered hat as a first approach literary speaking of the military body. Then it was the host of the first book in the saga of Bevilacqua and Chamorro, the Civil Guard investigators that Lorenzo Silva has become a classic of the English detective novel. And now presenting this historical essay on the Civil Guard, also Lorenzo Silva, so he hoped, the jokes and really, who could continue getting rid of fines for speeding if he kept any Traffic Patrol.
Trapiello spoke in depth of the book by Lorenzo Silva, stressing that this trial fictionalized perfectly reflects not only the true story of the Civil Guard along its 166-year voyage, but also, and perhaps that is Most importantly, the reality of English society during that period. A society that has evolved during the turbulent nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in parallel with a police and military on which they have shed light and shadow. A book where, from the point of view as objectively as possible, narrates the vicissitudes of the devoted members of the Guardia Civil from the ceiling of the rural post guard innermost to the general map that marked his target. A play that looks to detail the actions of the Civil Guard, do not store anything in the pipeline, without Manichaeism absurd, highlighting important events in the history of our country which always appears a member of the Guardia Civil. Facts on which the Security Corps can do better or worse off, but there are facts and Lorenzo Silva has wanted to reflect in his work. In short, a Civil Guard is a mirror of the English society during its 150 year history.
came the turn of Lorenzo Silva, who acknowledged their presence to other table mates, in the form of an anecdote recalling his first meeting with the Minister of Interior, thirty years ago. It was in a talk that Mr. Perez Rubalcaba, at the time senior official of Ministry of Education, held at the Institute of High where he was studying Lorenzo Silva. After briefly told us about his long literary relationship with the Civil Guard, from which in 1998 published the first novel that appeared Bevilacqua and Chamorro, "The distant land of the ponds' . Until then, as we said Silva, had no special relationship with the body, apart from a meeting on issues related to his job as a lawyer, but thereafter bonds narrowed.
For the work presented, Lorenzo Silva stressed that he is not a historian, and also has wanted to dispel the many works that deal essayistic matter,
For example, guards told us that there were civilians present in the most important events in our history over the century and a half: the creation and fall of the First and Second Republic, the uprising of July 18, 1936 and subsequent Civil War, the Franco years, including his sad end to the execution by firing squad for those horrendous death sentences, and the fight against terrorism, omitting errors nor heroics. Details as important as that after the coup of 36, only one of seven overall body joined the rebellion and more than sixty percent of the total membership of the Civil Guard remained loyal to the Republic. A terrible time in which he broke the English society, as well as a Civil Guard that was reabsorbed by other bodies from mid-1937 and for the rest of the civil strife. Even during the Franco returned to their functions, but historical documents say they were about to disappear at this stage of the war by not trusting her the highest leaders of the regime.
Interior Minister was asked to complete the interventions. He told us he was delighted to participate in this event for personal reasons, and cyclical professionals. Personally it is a follower and admirer of literature Lorenzo Silva, especially after reading "The Impatient Alchemist" , a title that reminded him of his vocation as a chemist. Professionals because, as Minister of Interior, is the senior command of the State Security Corps, and of course the Civil Guard. And short-term, and he defended the military character of the body as well as military police, noting that this point has been approved by an overwhelming majority in the English parliament. A Corps tradition, but try to adapt to modern times after replacing the old card guards and the iron rule of military discipline imposed from time immemorial. A security that works to perfection, and when something works well, said it is risky to change it.
After completion of the speeches, attendees spent the adjacent room, where we enjoy fine dining canapés accompanied by all kinds of drinks. In this common and heterogeneous mixture that occurs after such events, where writers, agents, editors, journalists and others associated with the culture in its different aspects, we share a nice time talking to some of the attendees. We chatted with writers and Pedro de Paz and Paco Gómez Escribano, with screenwriter and author Julia Montejo, journalist Martin Roberts, or some members of the magazine Culturama, led by his alma mater, Javier Vázquez Losada. At the last minute, almost as we were leaving, I was lucky that Peter introduced me to the Peace Lorenzo Silva. I greet him, shake his hand and share a few minutes of friendly chat while talking about subjects as diverse as some anecdotes from the Guardia Civil or the different events taking place next week at the Festival de Getafe whodunit. We said goodbye to him and the rest stayed escort while deployed to the third edition of Black Getafe, in which insurance as well as enjoy the act last night. Just
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